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How to Move and Resize a Chart in Excel?

Last Updated: 24 Jun, 2022


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In Excel, by default, the charts are moved and sized with cells. Whenever we change the size of cells in an excel sheet, the excel will automatically adjust the size of the chart accordingly. Excel also provides us the option for chart positioning without changing the cell’s size. Usually, we move or change the size of the chart within excel to ensure that the chart will not cover its underlying data. We can move the chart to a new location in the worksheet or to a new or existing worksheet. Also, we resize or change the size of the chart for a better fit in the worksheet.

Note: We can resize the chart, move a chart within a worksheet or we can also move to a new worksheet.

Moving Charts in Excel

In Excel, We can easily move charts. Let us discuss with the help of an example. Suppose we have a chart that represents random sales data in different cities of 3 different states(You can use any dataset and insert a chart using the dataset and implement the following moving and resizing behavior). Now we will move this chart.

Move a chart within a worksheet

In this example, we will move a char within the same excel worksheet. Usually, we perform these operations in order to avoid the overlapping between the data and the charts. Following is the step-by-step implementation.

Step 1: Insert and Select the chart  

In this step, first, we’ll need to insert a chart(Here, we are using Bar Chart). Once we have created a chart then we need to select it, for this, we have to click over our chart and select it.

Step 2: Position the chart

Once we have selected the chart, we can position the chat to a new location by dragging it using the chart’s border (We can also do that by double-clicking to hold the chart and drag to a new position and rest it there).



Move a chart to another worksheet

In this example, we will learn to move our chart to a new worksheet. This will create a new worksheet with the specified sheet name and contains the chart. to do this follow the step by step implementation

Step 1: Insert and Select the chart  

In this step, first, we will need to insert a chart(Here, we are using Bar Chart). Once we have created our chart we need to select it, for this, we have to click over the chart and select it.

Step 2: Position the char on a new worksheet

Once we have selected the chart we need to go to Chart Design > Move Chart it will pop up a window asking about the new position to place the chart.



After we click on the Move Chart option, the excel will popup window where we need to put the new worksheet.



Once we click on the OK button excel will create a new worksheet with the name we have provided as “Sales Chart Report”.



Resizing Charts in Excel

Resizing of the chart includes an increase or decrease in the length or breadth of the chart. This could be easily done by holding the graph’s endpoint and dragging them to increase or decrease the size of the graph. Following is the step-by-step implementation.

Step 1: Insert and Select the chart  

In this step, first, we will need to insert a chart(Here, we are using Bar Chart). Once we have created the chart we need to select it, for this, we have to click over our chart and select it.

Step 2: Resizing the chart

In this step, we will resize the chart. For resizing the chart excel provides eight sizing handles in the chart. We can click on these handles and drag the size of the chart according to our requirements.




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Creating a Gantt Chart With Milestones Using a Stacked Bar Chart In Excel

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Radar Chart or Spider Chart in Excel

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Using Columns and Bars to Compare Items in Excel Chart

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How to Create a Pareto Chart in Excel (Static And Dynamic)?

A Pareto Chart is a type of chart that contains both, a line chart and a bar chart where the cumulative total is represented by the line chart. They are generally used to find the defects to prioritize, in order to observe the greatest overall improvement. The chart is named for the Pareto principle, which, in turn, derives its name from the noted Italian economist, Vilfredo Pareto. How to Create Pareto Chart? This section focuses on discussing two types of Pareto chart: Static Pareto Chart.Dynamic Pareto Chart. Let's start discussing each type of Pareto chart in detail. 1. Static Pareto Chart: A static Pareto Chart is a simple chart that shows all the data and there exists no option for the user to view data corresponding to particular values. Below are the steps to create a static Pareto chart: Step 1: Creating the data table of an e-commerce retailer's user complaints. Note: Arrange the data in descending order if it isn't. Step 2: Create another Column under C and title it as Cumulative Percentage. Then, select the first box under this column and paste the following formula and apply it to all corresponding cells. =SUM($B$2:B2)/SUM($B$2:$B$10)*100 The result will look something
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How to Group and Ungroup Pivot Chart Data Items in Excel?

A pivot chart is the visual representation of a pivot table in Excel. Pivot charts and pivot tables are connected with each other. Pivot chart are much more flexible than normal chart because Pivot Chart is linked to a PivotTable. Filters, sorts, and data rearrangements applied to Pivot Table are reflected on the chart. Steps to create Pivot chart : Follow the below steps to create a Pivot chart: Select the table to create the pivot chart.Inside Insert tab, click Pivot chart.A dialog box will appear, select the table and the cell where you want the table and chart.Both Pivot chart and Table will be created, but no field is selected.Select the fields, you want in the chart.Chart will be formed.To Group data in the Chart: Follow the below steps to group data in the Chart: Select the rows or columns from the table, you want to group.Right-click and press group.The data will be grouped and the chart will show those rows together along with the Group name.To Ungroup data in the Chart : Follow the below steps to ungroup data in the chart: Select the group name.Right-click and press Ungroup.The data items in both the table and chart will be ungrouped.
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Scatter and Bubble Chart Visualization in Excel

Scatter Charts and Bubble Charts display many related data in one Chart. In both of these charts, the X - axis displays one numeric field and the Y-axis displays another. It helps to specify the relationship between two values for all the items in the chart easily. In Bubble charts, a third numeric field controls the size of the data points. Scatter Chart VisualizationA scatter chart always displays two value axes: one set of numerical data along the horizontal axis and another set of numerical values along the vertical axis. Each dot in the scatter chart below represents a month, with Quarter on the horizontal X axis and Sales on the vertical Y axis. Power view may spread these data points over the horizontal axis in an even or uneven manner. It is determined by the data that the chart represents. You can also create an X-Y Scatter plot which can help you to visualize your chart more easily. How to Create a Scatter Chart in ExcelThe following step-by-step example illustrates how to make a scatter chart in Excel: Step 1: Make a table with only one category value. Select the Months, Sales, and Quarter fields. This Month is a category field, whereas Sales and Quarter are numeric fiel
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How to Update, Change and Manage the Data in a Chart in Excel?

Charts in Microsoft Excel enable you to display data in a way that has the most possible impact on your audience. Apart from displaying, it helps the audience to understand the data well and helps them to read the data correctly. Charts can be of many types like Pie charts, Bar charts, Scatter charts, Hierarchy charts, and so on. Every chart serves a specific purpose and helps to understand the relevant data. Steps to Update, Change and Manage Data Used in a Chart in Excel The example is performed on MS Excel 2016. All the functionalities will be there in the later or backward versions of Excel but the function place can change. For Example, We are using the example to perform the desired operations. Update Chart Values Step 1: When the chart was created, select the extra rows to update the chart values as desired. In the image below, the data is till cell C11, but I've selected till C14 to help to add more values to the chart. The chart of the selected data will look the same as taken in the example. Step 2: Create the chart. Go to Insert> Charts and select Bar Chart. Step 3: Now, in cell B12, add any programming language of your choice and add the number of enrolled stude
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Table and Chart Combinations in Excel Power Pivot

For data exploration, visualization, and reporting, Power Pivot offers a variety of Power PivotTable and Power PivotChart combinations. A Power PivotChart is a PivotChart that was made using the Power Pivot window and is based on the Data Model. Despite sharing certain functionality with Excel PivotChart, it offers additional features that give it greater strength. You will discover how to build the Table and Chart combinations from the Power Pivot window in this article. Creating a Pivot Chart and Table in Excel Step 1: Let's take a dataset as an example in order to understand the Pivot chart and table. This is the major dataset that will be used in this case. Step 2: Select the data. Navigate to the insert tab on the top of the ribbon then in the charts group select Pivot Chart and then PivotChart & Pivot Table. Step 3: Create a PivotTable dialog box appear. Here select a table or range and a select new worksheet and then click OK. Step 4: Now as you can see pivot table is created and the PivotTable Fields pane appears. Step 5: Now in the PivotTable Fields pane drag the month's field to the Axis area and the Sales field to the values area. Step 6: Now as you can see after sel
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Adding a Secondary Axis to an Excel Chart

We need a secondary axis in a chart when we deal with two or more chart types for any hierarchical data. For example, Sales vs Average Cost, Performance vs Conversion Rate, Sales vs Profit and many more. In this article, we are going to see how to add a secondary axis in Excel using the example shown below. Example: Consider a famous coaching institute that deals with both free content in their YouTube channel and also have their own paid online courses. There are broadly two categories of students in this institute : (1) The students who enrolled but are learning from YouTube free video content. (2) The students who enrolled in paid online video lectures. So, the institute asked their Sales Department to make a statistical chart about how many paid courses from a pool of courses which the institute deals with sold from the year 2014 to last year 2020 and also show the percentage of students who have enrolled in the online paid courses only. Table : Course Enrollment StatsYearNumber of Paid Courses soldPercentage of Students Enrolled20141030%20151525%20162030%20172050%20182545%20191520%20203070%Implementation : Step 1: Insert the data in the cells. Afte
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Excel Chart with Two Trendlines

A line that bounds a particular chart and shows the behavior as it propagates is known as a trend line. It is generally used for analytics purposes to get a close approximate idea from the chart. The chart can be of any type like Bar Chart, Scattered Chart, Line Chart, etc. In this article, we are going to see how to add two trendlines in a chart using Excel. For this, we will consider a suitable example shown below. Example: Consider a scenario of a country having a population of more than 50 crores. People in this country are suffering from a pandemic and the number of positive cases due to a deadly virus is increasing day by day. Finally, after six months vaccines were made and the government started a vaccine jab for the people after a lot of trials. The government ordered the officials to keep a record of data for the first ten days of the vaccine jab. The record should contain two columns : The first column consists of the number of vaccines jab to the people.The number of positive cases. The moto behind is to check by mass jabbing of vaccines how the number of positive cases are changing during the first ten days. The experts from health centers made the following analysis
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