How to Remove Hyperlinks in Excel? Different Methods
The HYPERLINK function generates a shortcut that opens a document saved on a server or the Internet or moves to another position in the existing workbook. When you click a cell that includes a HYPERLINK function, Excel moves to the specified URL or displays the file. There are many ways to remove the Hyperlink from Excel as discussed below:
The syntax for a hyperlink function is as follows
HYPERLINK(link_location, [friendly_name])
Difference between Clear Hyperlinks and Removed Hyperlinks
- Clear Hyperlinks: The hyperlinks in the selected cells will be deleted. The formatting will not be cleared.
- Remove Hyperlinks: The hyperlinks and formatting in the chosen cells should be removed.
How to Remove Hyperlinks in Excel
You can eliminate a single hyperlink, or many hyperlinks in one go, disable automatic hyperlinks, and disable the need to use Ctrl to follow a hyperlink.
This article will provide you with different methods to remove the hyperlinks in Excel.
How to Remove Hyperlinks in Excel Using the Menu Option
To remove a hyperlink but keep the text, simply right-click on the cell with the hyperlink and click the ” Remove Hyperlink” option.

In conclusion, you can go through the procedures again and remove hyperlinks from additional cells. Furthermore, you may use this procedure to delete hyperlinks from both cells by selecting them together.
Delete all hyperlinks in two steps :
Step 1: Select the entire column.
Select the entire column by clicking on a single cell and pressing “Ctrl+ Space”.
Step 2: Select “Remove Hyperlinks”.
Right-click on any selected cell and select “Remove hyperlink” from the context menu.
All the hyperlinks are removed from the column.
How to Remove Hyperlink in Excel by Edit Hyperlink Window
Follow the below steps to remove hyperlinks using Window
Step 1: Select the target cell with the right mouse button.
Step 2: Then select “Edit Hyperlink” from the drop-down menu.
Step 3: Press the “Remove Link” button in the “Edit Hyperlink” window. Keep in mind that the hyperlink in the “Address” text box should not be empty. Otherwise, the “OK” button will be inactive.

The pop-up will vanish as soon as you click the “Remove Link” button. In addition, the cell’s hyperlink has been erased. Unlike the previous way, you cannot delete the hyperlinks for various cells at the same time. To remove the hyperlink, select it and then press the Delete key.
How to Remove Hyperlink in Excel Using the Toolbar
Follow the below steps to remove hyperlinks from the Toolbar:
Step 1: Choose the desired cell. To pick a cell, use the arrow keys on your keyboard or click and hold the mouse button.
Step 2: Next, click the “Clear” button on the toolbar.
Step 3: Then there are 2 choices related to hyperlinks in the drop-down menu.
Step 4: The hyperlink will be erased from the cell if you select “Clear Hyperlinks” from the menu. The format, though, will not change. A little button will also be shown close to the actual cell. When you click the button, a menu with two alternatives appears. You get to choose whether or not to exit the format at this point.
Step 5: The hyperlink will be deleted asap if you select “Remove Hyperlinks” from the menu.
Simultaneously, the format will be phased out. The distinction between the two options beneath the “Clear” button is this. When you save the cell format, you can use this approach to select “Clear Hyperlinks”. You can even remove hyperlinks for several cells at once with this method. If you choose to leave the format alone, the formatting of all the cells will remain unchanged.
How to Remove Hyperlink Using the HYPERLINK function
If you used the HYPERLINK function to establish the hyperlink, you can remove it by following these steps:
Step 1: Choose the cell that contains the hyperlink.
Step 2: To copy the hyperlink, use “CTRL+C”.
Step 3: By using the Values paste option, right-click and paste.
How to Delete all Hyperlinks in two Clicks
Follow the below steps to remove all hyperlinks at the same time in Excel 10 or greater versions:
Step 1: Click all cells with hyperlinks or select all cells by using “Ctrl+A”.
Step 2: Remove Hyperlinks by right-clicking and selecting Remove Hyperlinks.
We will advise you to be patient with Excel as it may glitch sometimes and not give you the desired output right away. It is good if you just close the window and reopen it.
How to Remove Hyperlink in Excel using VBA code
Users can also remove Hyperlinks from Excel using VBA code. VBA code helps us to remove Hyperlinks from the sheet or the entire workbook instantly. We can insert the below code on the VBA editor and run it. If you want to learn more about the VBA code then CLICK HERE.
Follow the below steps to Remove the Hyperlinks using the VBA code.
Step 1: In the Excel sheet with hyperlinks, Press “ALT+F9” to open the VBA editor window.
Step 2: Now Click on Insert >- Insert “Module”.
Step 3: Write the below code into the newly inserted module and press F5 to run it.
Code to Remove Hyperlink from Active Sheet.
Sub RemoveHyperlinkfromactivesheet()
End Sub
Code to Remove Hyperlink from Workbook.
Sub RemoveHyperlinkfromActiveWorkbook()
Dim was as Worksheet
Dim rng as Range
Dim cell as Range
for each ws in thisworkbook.worksheet
set rng = ws.UsedRange
For each cell in rng.cells
If cell.Hyperlink. count > 0 then
end if
Next cell
Next ws
End sub
Note: Save the workbook as Macro-Enabled Workbook.
How to Disable Automatic Hyperlink in Excel
Follow the steps to stop your Excel from turning your links into hyperlinks
Step 1: Go to the File and select “Options”.
Step 2: Now click on “Proofing”.
Step 3: Select the “AutoCorrect” Option.
Step 4: Now Select “AutoFormat” as you type. And untick the first option which is “Internet and network path with hyperlink”. Click “OK”
FAQs on Hyperlink
What are Hyperlinks in Excel?
If our data starts with https:// or www. it is considered a hyperlink which is used to create a link within a worksheet linking to another location such as a website or different worksheet.
It can also be used to refer to a specific cell within the same worksheet.
How we can change the display text of Hyperlinks in Excel?
Step 1: Select the cell containing a hyperlink.
Step 2: Right-click on the Selected cell and Click on “Edit Hyperlink”.
Step 3: In the “Edit Hyperlink” Dialog box click on the “Text to display” and modify the text.
Step 4: Click “Ok” to apply changes.
What is the Shortcut to Remove Hyperlinks in Excel?
Select the text containing the Hyperlink in Excel “Ctrl+A”.
Now press “Ctrl +Shift+F9″.
How we can insert the Hyperlink in Excel?
To insert a hyperlink in Excel Follow the below steps:
Step 1: Select the cell where you want to insert the Hyperlink.Step 2: Right-click on the cell and select “Hyperlink” from the context menu.
Step 3: Now “Insert Dialog box” will open. You can add hyperlinks according to your choice.