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How to Remove Pivot Table But Keep Data in Excel?

Last Updated: 27 May, 2021


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In this article, we will look into how to remove the Pivot Table but want to keep the data intact in Excel.

To do so follow the below steps: 

Step 1: Select the Pivot table. 

  • To select the table, go to Analyze tab
  • Select the menu and choose the Entire Pivot Table.

Step 2: Now copy the entire Pivot table data by Ctrl+C.

Step 3: Select a cell in the worksheet where you want to paste the data. 

Step 4: Click Ctrl+V, to paste the data. 

Step 5: Click on the Ctrl dropdown. Choose the value(v) option from Paste options. 

Step 6: Now, again select the entire Pivot table. 

Step 7: Delete it using the Delete key on the keyboard.

Step 8: Or you can also choose the Clear All command from the Home tab => Editing section => Clear dropdown. 

You will find your pivot table will be completely deleted from the worksheet. Thus, we can delete the pivot table without losing pivot table data.


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How to Create Pivot Chart from Pivot Table in Excel using Java?

A Pivot Chart is used to analyze data of a table with very little effort (and no formulas) and it gives you the big picture of your raw data. It allows you to analyze data using various types of graphs and layouts. It is considered to be the best chart during a business presentation that involves huge data. To add a pivot chart to an Excel worksheet, you need to use the "WorksheetChartsCollection.add" method.  Before Creating a Pivot Chart, one first needs to go through how to Create Pivot Table in Excel using Java. Now let's discuss the steps to create a pivot chart in an Excel file in Java using Free Spire.XLS for Java API. How to Create a Pivot Table in Excel using JavaStep 1: Load the Excel fileWorkbook workbook = new Workbook() String workbookName = "Geeks_For_Geeks.xlsx"; workbook.loadFromFile(workbookName); Step 2: Get the first worksheetWorksheet sheet = workbook.getWorksheets().get(0); Step 3: Get the first pivot table in the worksheetIPivotTable pivotTable = sheet.getPivotTables().get(0); Step 4: Add a clustered column chart based on the pivot table to the second worksheetChart chart = workbook.getWorksheets().get(1).getCharts().add(ExcelChartType.ColumnClustered, pivotTa
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How to Remove Old Row and Column Items from the Pivot Table in Excel?

Pivot table is one of the most efficient tools in excel for data analysis. If you are using pivot tables frequently, then you will find even after deleting the old data from the data source, it remains in the filter drop-down of the pivot table. We will learn, how to remove the old row and column items from the pivot table in excel. Reason for not removal of the old dataTo better understand, why the data is not removed in the pivot table, even after removing it from the source data, you need to understand the architecture of the pivot table. Internally, the pivot tables have a pivot cache, where the copy of the source data is held. This is done to faster the data retrieving process from the source to the pivot table. Whenever you refresh the pivot table, it gets updated from the pivot cache and not the source data. So, the pivot cache has its properties and default behavior. One of the default behavior, of pivot cache, is that it does not delete the old rows or columns from the filter drop-down. It is a default setting which can be changed very easily. Removing Old rows and columns from the Pivot table Given a table students and their marks. A pivot table is also made from the gi
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How to Flatten Data in Excel Pivot Table?

Flattening a pivot table in Excel can make data analysis and extraction much easier. In order to make the format more usable, it's possible to "flatten" the pivot table in Excel. To do this, click anyplace on the turn table to actuate the PivotTable Tools menu. Click Design, then Report Layout, and then, at that point, Show in Tabular Form. This will isolate the line names and make it simpler to investigate information.What Does Flattening Mean in Excel?Flattening a pivot table in Excel refers to transforming the data from a pivot table format, which can be complex and hierarchical, into a simple tabular format. This process separates row labels and creates a structure that is easier to work with for further analysis or export to data warehouses.Flatten is a table function that takes a VARIANT, OBJECT, or ARRAY column and produces a lateral view (for example an inline view that contains a relationship alluding to different tables that go before it in the FROM clause). FLATTEN can convert semi-structured data to a relational representation.Benefits of Flattening Data in ExcelImproved Data Analysis: Flattened data is easier to analyze, as all relevant information is available in a ta
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How to Create Pivot Table in Excel using Java?

A pivot table is needed to quickly analyze data of a table with very little effort (and no formulas) and sometimes not everyone has time to look at the data in the table and see what’s going on and use it to build good-looking reports for large data sets in an Excel worksheet. Let's discuss a step-by-step proper explanation to create a pivot table in an Excel file in Java using Free Spire.XLS for Java API. Requirements to Create Pivot Table in Excel using JavaFirstly, we need to add necessary dependencies to the Maven project including the Free Spire.XLS project before starting to write the code. How to Install Spire.XLS for JavaBy adding the following code to your project's pom.xml file, you can quickly import the JAR file into your program if you use Maven. XML <repositories> <repository> <id>com.e-iceblue</id> <name>e-iceblue</name> <url></url> </repository> </repositories> <dependencies> <dependency> <groupId>javax.xml.bind</groupId> <artifactId>jaxb-api</artifactId> <version>2.3.1</version> </dependency> <dep
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How to Add and Use an Excel Pivot Table Calculated Field?

Excel pivot tables are one of its most helpful features. They are utilized to summarize or aggregate large quantities of data. The data can be summarized using the average, the count, or other statistical approaches. It summarizes a large amount of data into a few rows and columns. They make it simple to explore the data from various views and angles and are excellent for data exploration. When you create a Pivot table, you often need to add more data and calculations to your analysis. If you require a new data point that can be obtained by leveraging existing data points in the Pivot Table, you don't need to go back and add it to the source data. Instead, you can utilize a Pivot Table Calculated Field to accomplish this. Pivot Table Calculated Field The "Pivot Table calculated field" option allows you to insert more data or calculations in the pivot table. For our reports, we frequently need to include our own unique calculations that can relate to other fields in the data collection. Benefits of using a Pivot Table Calculated FieldIt is scalable since it will automatically account for any new data added to your Pivot Table. You can utilize a Calculate Field in your Pivot Table ju
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How to Hide Zero Values in Pivot Table in Excel?

One of Microsoft Excel's most important features is the pivot table. You might be aware of this if you have worked with it. It provides us with a thorough view and insight into the dataset. You can do a lot with it. The pivot table might include zero values. In this lesson, you will learn how to hide zero values in the pivot table using relevant examples and visuals. Hide the rows in a pivot table that have zero values. After concealing the zero-value rows, your pivot table will seem neater and the data will be suppressed. How to Hide Zero Values in Pivot Table in Excel? ImplementationLet's take a dataset as an example to understand How to Hide Zero Values in a Pivot Table in Excel. This is the dataset that we are going to use in this scenario. The Excel table has some zero values, as you can see. First, you must transform an excel table into a pivot table. You may need to hide them at times to have a clear view of the pivot table. Methods for Hiding Zero-ValuesThere are three different methods for hiding zero values in an Excel pivot table. Table of Content How to Create a Filter Field to Hide Rows with Zero ValuesHow to Hide Pivot Table Zero Values Using Excel's Format Cells Comm
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How to Troubleshoot and Fix Excel Pivot Table Errors?

Power Pivot is an Excel add-in, a data modeling technology that helps the user to create data models, establish relationships, and create calculations. However, it is possible to encounter a few errors during the process. here in this article, we will discuss some of the Excel Pivot Table Errors that may occur and how we can fix them. Usually, Excel Pivot works smoothly and efficiently, however, it is inevitable to encounter some errors while working with the software. Here are some of the common errors that users might encounter during working with Excel PowerPivot. "Unable to load the Data Model" Error Sometimes, A simple data change, for example, adding the pivot table data to the Data Model may cause a pivot table refresh error. It’s not that common, however, sometimes users do face such issues. As we can see in the image below: Here, in the image, as we can see above the message is showing that the “PowerPivot is unable to load the Data Model”. Solution: The change from the UPPER case to the PROPER case or other similar changes in the source data headings may be the primary cause of this error resulting in the data model having a second instance of the field. As shown in t
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Pivot Table Slicers in Excel

Slicers are the visual representation of filters. By using a slicer, we can filter our data in the pivot table by just clicking on the type of data we want. Slicers are found in the Analyze tab of the pivot table tools. We have an option called Insert Slicer and on clicking it, we have to select the column on the basis of which we need to filter our data. What are Pivot Table Slicers?Pivot Table Slicers are Visual controls that help users filter data in a Pivot Table or Pivot Chart. They act as a user interface element. Slicers are useful when you have multiple fields(columns) in the pivot table and want to control the data displayed by selecting specific criteria. How to Insert a Pivot Table Slicer Follow the below steps to insert a Pivot table slicer: Step 1: Create a Pivot tableSelect the data you want to analyze and then create a Pivot table. Step 2: Design the Pivot TableDesign the Pivot table by dragging the relevant fields to the "Rows", "Columns", "Values", or "Filters" area of the PivotTable Fields pane. Step 3: Insert a SlicerWhen your Pivot Table is ready, go to the "Pivot Table Analyze" or "Options" tab in the Excel ribbon. Click on "Insert Slicer", and a dialog box wil
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How to Delete a Pivot Table in Excel?

A pivot table is a tool in Excel that allows you to quickly summarize data in the spreadsheet. When it comes to deleting a Pivot Table, there are a few different ways you can do this. The method you choose will depend on how you want to delete the Pivot Table. 1.Delete the Pivot Table and the Resulting Data. Steps to delete the Pivot table and the Resulting Data- Select any cell in the Pivot TableSelect the ‘Analyze’ tab. Click on the ‘Select’ option in the Actions group.Choose Entire Pivot tableHit the Delete key.2.Delete the Pivot Table but Keep the Resulting Data. If we want to delete the entire pivot table but retain the resulting data, the procedure is more or less the same Steps to delete the Pivot table but Keep the Resulting Data: Select any cell in the Pivot TableChoose the ‘Analyze’ tab in the ribbon. In the Actions group, choose the ‘Select’ option. Select the Entire Pivot table. Right-click on any cell of the selected Pivot Table.Click on Copy. This will copy the data of the entire Pivot Table. Click the Home tab. Click on the Paste option. In the Paste Values section, click on the first icon. The above steps would delete the Pivot Table but still keep the resulting dat
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How to Apply Conditional Formatting in a Pivot Table in Excel

One of the most useful ways to customize the pivot table formatting is using Conditional Formats. Conditional formatting rules can be applied to Pivot tables just like they can be applied to normal data ranges. So by using conditional formatting, we can highlight the cells with a certain color depending on the cell's value. Conditional FormattingWhat is Pivot Table Conditional Formatting In Excel, you have the power to make your data stand out using conditional formatting. This means you can automatically highlight cells that meet certain criteria. For example, you can easily spotlight cells that have values above the average or those that fall below a specific threshold. Now, when you apply this special formatting to a Pivot table, there is an important step to remember. After you've set up your conditional formatting, make sure to tweak the settings so that even after you refresh the Pivot table, the right cells maintain their distinctive appearance. This ensures that your highlighted information remains accurate and up-to-date as your data evolves. Types of Conditional Formatting in ExcelThere are many conditional formats that we can use on our data. Some of them are given below
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