How to Run Only One Unit Test Class Using Gradle?
This article focuses on discussing how to run a specific unit test class using Gradle by specifying the fully qualified name of the test class. One can use the test task and the –tests option followed by the fully qualified name of the test class. We will see all the aspects in this article.
What is Gradle?
Gradle is an open-source build automation tool that is designed to be flexible, efficient, and scalable. It is used to build and manage projects written in a variety of languages, including Java, C++, and Python. Gradle is based on a modular, domain-specific language (DSL) that allows developers to define builds in a declarative and expressive way. This makes it easier to create and maintain build scripts, as well as to customize and extend build behaviors.
In addition to its core build capabilities, Gradle provides a number of additional features and plugins that can be used to automate a wide range of tasks, such as testing, deployment, and integration with continuous integration systems.
Some of the key features of Gradle include:
- Modular and domain-specific language (DSL): Gradle uses a DSL that is designed to be expressive and easy to read and write. This allows developers to define builds in a declarative way, making it easier to create and maintain build scripts.
- Incremental builds: Gradle is designed to be efficient and only rebuild the parts of the project that have changed, reducing build times and improving productivity.
- Dependency management: Gradle provides a robust dependency management system that allows developers to easily manage project dependencies and resolve conflicts.
- Build caching: Gradle supports build caching, which allows it to reuse output from previous builds to speed up subsequent builds.
- Multiple language support: Gradle can be used to build projects written in a variety of languages, including Java, C++, and Python.
- Extensibility and customization: Gradle is highly extensible and provides a number of plugins and APIs that allow developers to customize and extend their capabilities.
- Integration with other tools: Gradle can be integrated with a wide range of tools and systems, such as Maven, Ant, and continuous integration servers.
Problem Statement:
By running only a specific test class, one can focus on testing a particular feature or code path, and make sure that it is working correctly. Running only a specific test class can be faster than running all of your unit tests, especially if you have a large test suite.
One can run only one unit test class using Gradle.
To do so, the test task can be used with the –tests option, followed by the fully qualified name of the test class. Before starting the code work it is good to check the prerequisites.
To run only one unit test class using Gradle, one needs to make sure that the following prerequisites are installed:
- Gradle installed: Gradle needs to be installed on the system in order to use it to build and manage projects. One can download and install Gradle from the official website or through your system’s package manager.
- A project configured for unit testing: The project should be set up to use Gradle’s test task to run unit tests. This typically involves adding a test block to your build.gradle file and specifying the dependencies and configuration required for testing.
- Unit tests written and located within your project: Unit tests must be written in a supported language (such as Java or Kotlin) and located within the appropriate directories in the project.
- A working development environment: A working development environment is required, including a supported development tool (such as IntelliJ IDEA or Eclipse) and any necessary dependencies, in order to run and debug your tests.
Once all the prerequisites are in place, one can use Gradle’s test task with the –tests option to run only one unit test class or test method. This can be especially useful when debugging or developing new features, as it allows you to focus your testing efforts on specific areas of your code.
1. To run only one unit test class using Gradle, one can use the test task with the –tests option, followed by the fully qualified name of the test class.
// test task with the –test option
./gradlew test –tests com.example.MyTestClass
This will run only the unit tests in the specified test class. Note that the fully qualified name of the test class should include the package name, as well as the name of the test class itself.
2. If one wants to run a single test method within a test class, the –tests option can be used followed by the fully qualified name of the test method.
// run single test method with –test option
./gradlew test –tests com.example.MyTestClass#testMethod
This will run only the specified test method within the test class.
3. One can also use the –tests option to specify a pattern for matching test classes or test methods.
// run specified test method with test class
./gradlew test –tests “*Test”
This will run all unit tests whose names end in “Test”.
4. By using the –tests option, one can specify which unit tests to run and focus testing efforts on specific areas of the code. This can be especially useful when debugging or developing new features, as it allows you to run only the tests that are relevant to your work.
Below is the java program for unit tests:
// Java program to demonstrate
// unit tests
package com.example;
import org.junit.Test;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue;
public class ExampleTest
public void testMethod1()
public void testMethod2()
Output: In this example, the ExampleTest class contains two test methods, testMethod1, and testMethod2. Both of these test methods have passed, and the build was successful.

The output of a single unit test class when using Gradle will depend on the specific unit tests being run and the configuration of your project. However, in general, one can expect to see the following types of information in the output:
- Test results: The output will include the results of each test, including whether the test passed or failed. If a test fails, the output may also include details about the failure, such as an error message or a stack trace.
- Test statistics: The output will include statistics about the tests that were run, such as the total number of tests, the number of tests that passed, and the number of tests that failed.
- Log messages: The output may include log messages or other outputs produced by the tests. This can be useful for debugging or for seeing what the tests are doing as they are running.
- Test execution time: The output may include information about the execution time of each test, as well as the overall execution time of all the tests. This can be useful for identifying slow-running tests and optimizing the performance of your test suite.
By examining the output of a single unit test class when using Gradle, you can get a detailed understanding of how tests are running and whether they are producing the expected results. This can be especially useful when debugging or developing new features, as it allows one to focus testing efforts on specific areas of the code and see the results in real-time.