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How to Use 'git remote add origin' Command?

Last Updated : 03 Jun, 2024
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The `git remote add origin` command is used to add a remote repository to your local Git repository. This allows you to push and pull changes between your local and remote repositories. The term "origin" is an alias that refers to the remote repository URL. By convention, "origin" is used for the primary remote repository, but you can use any name you prefer.

There are several scenarios in which you might use the `git remote add origin` command:

  1. Adding a remote to a new local repository: When you have just created a local Git repository and want to link it to a remote repository.
  2. Adding a remote to an existing local repository: When you have an existing local repository that you want to connect to a new or existing remote repository.
  3. Changing the remote URL: If the remote repository's URL changes, you can update the remote configuration.

Adding a Remote to a New Local Repository

Step 1: Initialize a New Git Repository

git init

This command initializes a new Git repository in the current directory.

Step 2: Add a Remote Repository

git remote add origin <remote_repository_URL>

Replace `<remote_repository_URL>` with the URL of your remote repository.

For example:

git remote add origin

Step 3: Verify the Remote URL

git remote -v

This command lists all configured remote repositories and their URLs, verifying that the remote has been added correctly.


Adding a Remote to an Existing Local Repository

Step 1: Navigate to Your Local Repository

cd path/to/your/local/repository

Step 2: Add the Remote Repository

git remote add origin <remote_repository_URL>

As in the previous scenario, replace `<remote_repository_URL>` with the actual URL of your remote repository.

Step 3: Verify the Remote URL

git remote -v


Changing the Remote URL

Step 1: Verify the Current Remote URL

git remote -v

This helps to ensure you know the current remote URL before changing it.

Step 2: Change the Remote URL

git remote set-url origin <new_remote_repository_URL>

Replace `<new_remote_repository_URL>` with the new URL of your remote repository.

Step 3: Verify the Updated Remote URL

git remote -v

Ensure the URL has been updated correctly.


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