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HTML <button> disabled Attribute

Last Updated : 11 Mar, 2024
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The HTML <button> disabled attribute prevents user interaction with the button, making it unclickable and visually indicating its disabled state. It’s typically used to indicate that a button is inactive or unavailable for interaction.


<button disabled></button>

HTML Button Disabled Attribute Example

Example: This example display implementation of button disabled attribute.


<!DOCTYPE html>
    <title>HTML button disabled Attribute</title>
<body style="text-align:center">
    <h1 style="color: green;">GeeksforGeeks</h1>
    <h2>HTML button disabled Attribute</h2>
    <!-- A disabled button -->
    <button type="button" disabled>I am disabled!</button>




  • In this example we features a disabled button element created using the <button> tag with the text “I am disabled!”.
  • The button is disabled using the disabled attribute, preventing user interaction.
  • The styling ensures the content is centered on the page using inline CSS for text alignment and color.

HTML button disabled Attribute Use Cases

1. How to specify that a button should be disabled using HTML5?

To specify a button as disabled in HTML5, add the disabled attribute to the <button> tag, like this: <button type=”button” disabled>.

2. How to disable button element dynamically using JavaScript ?

To disable a button dynamically using JavaScript, target the button element and set its disabled property to true, like this: buttonElement.disabled = true;.

3. Which attribute is used to disabled the specific input field in HTML Form ?

The disabled attribute is used to disable a specific input field in an HTML form. It’s applied directly to the input element, like this: <input type=”text” disabled>.

4. How to enable/disable a button using jQuery ?

To enable/disable a button using jQuery, select the button element and use the prop() method to set its disabled property to true or false, like this: `$(‘#myButton’).prop(‘disabled’, true/false);.

5. How to remove “disabled” attribute from HTML input element using JavaScript ?

To remove the “disabled” attribute from an HTML input element using JavaScript, target the element and use the removeAttribute() method, like this: inputElement.removeAttribute(‘disabled’);.

Supported Browsers

The browser supported by <button> disabled attribute are listed below:

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