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HTML Event Attributes Reference

Last Updated : 30 Dec, 2024
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HTML event attributes are used to define actions that should occur when specific events are triggered on a webpage.

  • They enable interaction between the user and the system, like clicking a button or resizing a window.
  • Event attributes are added to HTML elements to specify the event type and action.
  • They enhance dynamic behavior and improve user experience on a webpage.
        function displayMessage() {
            alert("Button was clicked!");
    <button onclick="displayMessage()">Click Me!</button>
  • <button onclick=”displayMessage()”>Click Me!</button>: The <button> element includes the onclick attribute, which is set to call the displayMessage() function when the button is clicked.
  • function displayMessage() { alert(“Button was clicked!”); }: This JavaScript function displays an alert box with the message “Button was clicked!” when invoked.

The complete list of Event Attributes are given below:

Window Event Attributes

Window Event Attributes



onafterprintUsed with onbeforeprint to perform actions after the page is printed.
onbeforeprintThe alert message display before the print dialogue box appears.
onbeforeunloadThe onbeforeunload event run when the document is about to be unloaded.
onerrorThis attribute works when an error occurs while loading an external file.
onhashchangeThis attribute works when there has been changes to the anchor part.
onloadThis attribute works when an object has been loaded.
onofflineThe onoffline event attribute works when the browser work in offline mode.
ononlineThe ononline event attribute works when the browser starts working in online mode.
onpageshowThis event occurs when a user navigates to a website.
onresizeThe onresize event attribute is triggered each time when resize the browser window size.
onunloadFired when the document is unloaded (e.g., when navigating away).



Form Event Attributes

Form Event Attributes



onblurThis attribute is mostly used in Form validation code.
onchangeThe onchange event attribute works when the value of the element changes and select the new value from the List.
oncontextmenuThis attribute works when the user right-clicks on an element to open the context menu.
onfocusThis event attribute is mostly used with <input>, <select>, <a> elements.
oninputThis attribute works when it gets user input value.
oninvalidThe oninvalid event attribute works when an input field values are invalid or empty.
onresetThe onreset event attribute in HTML is triggered when reset the form.
onsearchWhen a user presses the ENTER button or click on the x button.
onselectThe onselect event attribute works when some text has been selected in an element.
onsubmitThe onsubmit event attribute in HTML is triggered when a form is submitted.



Keyboard Event Attributes

Keyboard Event Attributes



onkeydownThe onkeydown event is triggered when the user presses any key on the keyboard.
onkeypressThis attribute fires when a user presses a key on the Keyboard.
onkeyupThis onkeyup event attribute works when the user releases the key from the keyboard.

Mouse Event Attributes

Mouse Event Attributes



onclickThe onclick event attribute in HTML works when the user clicks on the button.
ondblclickThis Attribute Event occurs when a user fires mouse Double click on the Element.
onmousedownwhen a mouse button is pressed down on the element
onmousemoveThe onmousemove attribute works when the pointer moves over an element.
onmouseoutwhen the mouse pointer moves out of the specified element.
onmouseoverThe onmouseover event attribute works when the mouse pointer moves over the specified element.
onmouseupwhen a mouse button is released over the element.
onwheelwhen the wheel of pointer device is rolled up or down over an element.

Drag Event Attributes

Drag Event Attributes



ondragwhen the element or text selection is being dragged in HTML
ondragendwhen the user finished the dragging of element. The drag and drop feature is common in HTML5
ondragenterThe ondragenter event attribute in HTML works when the content is draggable
ondragleaveThe ondragleave attribute works when a draggable element or text selection leaves a valid drop target
ondragstartHTML ondragstart Event Attribute is used when the user wants to drag the text or element.
ondropThe ondrop event attribute is used to drag an element or text and drop it into a valid droppable location or target.
onscrollThis onscroll attribute works when an element scrollbar is being scrolled.

Clipboard Events Attributes

Clipboard Events Attributes



oncopyThis attribute fires when the user copied the content present in an element.
oncutThis attribute fires when the user cut or delete the content that has been present in the element.
onpasteThe onpaste attribute works when some content are paste in an element.

Misc Events Attributes

Misc Events Attributes



ontoggleThe ontoggle event is triggered when the user open or close the <details> element.

Best Practices for Using HTML Event Attributes

  • Prefer External JavaScript: Instead of embedding JavaScript directly within HTML event attributes, link to external JavaScript files to enhance code organization and maintainability.
  • Use Event Listeners: Implement event listeners in JavaScript rather than inline event attributes to separate structure from behavior, improving code clarity.
  • Avoid Overuse: Limit the number of event attributes to prevent performance issues and maintain a responsive user interface.

HTML Event Attributes Reference – FAQ’s

What are HTML event attributes?

HTML event attributes are special attributes added to HTML elements to define actions that occur in response to user interactions or browser events.

Can I use multiple event attributes on a single element?

Yes, you can assign multiple event attributes to a single HTML element to handle different user interactions.

Is it necessary to use the ‘on’ prefix in event attributes?

Yes, HTML event attributes typically start with ‘on’ (e.g., onclick, onmouseover) to denote the event type.

Do event attributes work with all HTML elements?

Most HTML elements can utilize event attributes, but their applicability depends on the element and the specific event type.

How do event attributes enhance user interaction?

Event attributes enable dynamic responses to user actions, such as clicks or form submissions, enhancing interactivity on web pages.

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