HTML | <form> onreset Attribute
Last Updated :
30 May, 2019
The HTML <form> onreset Attribute is used to specify the form reset fields.
<form onreset = "script">
Attribute Value: This attribute contains single value script which works when onreset event call.
<!DOCTYPE html > < html > < head > < title > HTML form onreset attribute </ title > < style > body { text-align:center; } h1 { color:green; } </ style > < script > function Geeks() { alert("Form Reset...") ; } </ script > </ head > < body > < h1 >GeeksforGeeks</ h1 > < h2 >Form onreset event attribute</ h2 > < form onreset = "Geeks()" style = "color:blue" ;> First Name: < input type = "text" ></ br > Last Name: < input type = "text" ></ br > < input type = "reset" > </ form > </ body > </ html > |
Supported Browsers: The browser supported by <form> onreset attribute are listed below:
- Google Chrome
- Internet Explorer
- Firefox
- Safari
- Opera