HTML <option> value Attribute
Last Updated :
13 Mar, 2024
HTML <option> value attribute determines the data sent to the server upon form submission, while the text content represents the visible options in dropdown menus.
<option value = "value">
Attribute Value: It contains a single value that has to be sent to the server.
HTML option value Attribute Example
Example: This example demonstrates the use of the option value attribute to retrieve and display the selected option’s value.
<!DOCTYPE html>
<h2>HTML option value Attribute</h2>
<strong>Sorting Algorithms:</strong>
<select id="opt">
<option value="quick">Quick sort</option>
<option value="merge">Merge sort</option>
<option value="insertion">Insertion sort</option>
<button type="submit">Click me!</button>
Output: After selecting the options available, the submit button can be used to send the data to the server.

HTML option value Attribute Example Output
Supported Browsers: The browsers supported by the value attribute in the option tag are listed below.