HTML | <textarea> form Attribute
Last Updated :
22 Jul, 2022
The HTML <textarea> form Attribute is used to specify the one or more forms that the <Textarea> element belongs to.
<Textarea form="form_id">
Attribute Values:
- form_id: It Contains the value i.e form_id which specify the one or more form that the Textarea element belongs to. The value of this attribute should be id of the <form> element.
<!DOCTYPE html> < html > < head > < title >Textarea Form Attribute</ title > < style > } fieldset { width: 50%; margin-left: 22%; } h1 { color: green; } </ style > </ head > < body > < center > < h1 >GeeksforGeeks</ h1 > < h2 >< textarea > form Attribute</ h2 > < textarea form = "mygeeks" cols = "20" ;> GeeksForGeeks. A computer science portal for Geeks </ textarea > < br > < form id = "mygeeks" > Name: < input type = "text" name = "usrname" > < input type = "submit" > </ form > </ center > </ body > </ html > |
Supported Browsers: The browser supported by HTML <Textarea>form Attribute are listed below:
- Google Chrome 1
- Edge 12
- Internet Explorer 6
- Firefox 1
- Opera 12.1
- Safari 4