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JavaTuples toString() method

Last Updated : 27 Aug, 2018
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The toString() method in org.javatuples is used to convert the values in TupleClass into a String. This method is inherited from the JavaTuple class. This method can be used to any tuple class object of javatuples library. It returns a String value formed with the values in the TupleClassObject.

Method Declaration:

public final String toString()


String str = TupleClassObject.toString()

Here TupleClassObject represents the JavaTuple Class object used like Unit, Quintet, Decade, etc.

Return Value: This method returns a String value which contains the elements of the TupleClassObject, separated by ‘, ‘.

Below programs illustrate the various ways to use toString() method:

Program 1: Using toString() with Unit class:

// Below is a Java program to use toString() method
import java.util.*;
import org.javatuples.Unit;
class GfG {
    public static void main(String[] args)
        // Creating an Unit with one value
        Unit<String> unit = Unit.with("GeeksforGeeks");
        // Using toString() method
        String str = unit.toString();



Program 2: Using toString() with Quartet class:

// Below is a Java program to use toString() method
import java.util.*;
import org.javatuples.Quartet;
class GfG {
    public static void main(String[] args)
        // Creating a quartet
        Quartet<Integer, String, String, Double> quartet
            = Quartet.with(Integer.valueOf(1),
                           "A computer portal",
        // Using toString() method
        String str = quartet.toString();
        // Printing the String


[1, GeeksforGeeks, A computer portal, 20.18]

Note: Similarly, it can be used with any other JavaTuple Class.

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