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Java.util.function.IntPredicate interface in Java with Examples

Last Updated : 13 Aug, 2021
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The IntPredicate interface was introduced in JDK 8. This interface is packaged in java.util.function package. It operates on an integer value and returns a predicate value based on a condition. It is a functional interface and thus can be used in lambda expression also.

public interface IntPredicate


  1. test(): This function evaluates a conditional check on the int value, and returns a boolean value denoting the outcome. 
boolean test(int value)

       2. and(): This function applies the AND operation on the current object and the object received as argument, and returns the newly formed    predicate. This method has a default implementation. 

default IntPredicate and(IntPredicate other)

       3. negate(): This function returns the inverse of the current predicate i.e reverses the test condition. This method has a default implementation. 

default IntPredicate negate()

        4. or(): This function applies the OR operation on the current object and the object received as argument, and returns the newly formed predicate. This method has a default implementation. 

default IntPredicate or(IntPredicate other)



// Java example to demonstrate IntPredicate interface
import java.util.function.IntPredicate;
public class IntPredicateDemo {
    public static void main(String[] args)
        // Predicate to check a value is less than 544331
        IntPredicate intPredicate = (x) ->
            if (x <= 544331)
                return true;
            return false;
        System.out.println("544331 is less than 544331 "
                           + intPredicate.test(544331));
        // Predicate to check a value is equal to 544331
        IntPredicate predicate = (x) ->
            if (x == 544331)
                return true;
            return false;
        System.out.println("544331 is equal to 544331 "
                           + predicate.test(544331));
        // ORing the two predicates
        IntPredicate intPredicate1 = intPredicate.or(predicate);
        System.out.println("544331 is less than equal to 544331 "
                           + intPredicate1.test(544331));
        // ANDing the two predicates
        intPredicate1 = intPredicate.and(predicate);
        System.out.println("544331 is equal to 544331 "
                           + intPredicate1.test(544331));
        // Negating the predicate
        intPredicate1 = intPredicate.negate();
        System.out.println("544331 is greater than 544331 "
                           + intPredicate1.test(544331));


544331 is less than 544331 true
544331 is equal to 544331 true
544331 is less than equal to 544331 true
544331 is equal to 544331 true
544331 is greater than 544331 false



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