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JavaScript Math sin() Method

Last Updated : 15 Jul, 2024
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The JavaScript Math sin( ) method in Javascript is used to return the sine of a number. The Math.sin() method returns a numeric value between -1 and 1, which represents the sine of the angle given in radians. The sin() is a static method of Math, therefore, it is always used as Math.sin(), rather than as a method of a Math object created. 




This method accepts a single parameter as mentioned above and described below:

  • value: Which is a number given in radians. 

Return Value:

The Math.sin() method returns the sine of the given numbers between 1 and -1. 

Example 1: Below is an example of the Math sin() Method.

console.log("When zero is passed as a parameter: "
    + Math.sin(0));

When zero is passed as a parameter: 0

Example 2: When 1 is passed as a parameter. 

console.log("Result : " + Math.sin(1));

Result : 0.8414709848078965

Example 3: When PI is passed as a parameter. 

console.log("Result : " + Math.sin(Math.PI / 2));

Result : 1

We have a complete list of Javascript Math Objects methods, to check those please go through this Javascript Math Object Complete reference article.

Supported Browsers

  • Chrome 51
  • Edge 15
  • Firefox 54
  • Safari 10
  • Opera 38

JavaScript Math sin() Method – FAQs

What does the Math.sin() method do in JavaScript?

The Math.sin() method returns the sine of a number, where the number is given in radians.

Can Math.sin() handle special numeric values like NaN, Infinity, and -Infinity?

  • Math.sin(NaN) returns NaN.
  • Math.sin(Infinity) and Math.sin(-Infinity) return NaN.

What happens if the argument is not a number?

If the argument is not a number, Math.sin() converts it to a number. If the conversion is not possible, the result is NaN (Not-a-Number).

What is the range of values returned by Math.sin()?

The values returned by Math.sin() range from -1 to 1, inclusive.

What are common use cases for the Math.sin() method?

  • Trigonometric Calculations: Using Math.sin() in mathematical and physics calculations involving angles.
  • Waveform Generation: Generating sine waves for audio processing, signal processing, and simulations.
  • Graphics and Animations: Calculating positions and movements in computer graphics and animations.

We have a Cheat Sheet on Javascript where we covered all the important topics of Javascript to check those please go through Javascript Cheat Sheet-A Basic guide to JavaScript.

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