jQuery param() method
Last Updated :
11 Jul, 2023
The param() method in jQuery is used to create a serialized representation of an object.
$.param( object, trad )
Parameters: This method accepts two parameters as mentioned above and described below:
- object: It is a mandatory parameter that is used to specify an array or object to serialize.
- trad: It is an optional parameter and is used to specify whether or not to use the traditional style of param serialization.
Example 1:uses This example uses the param() method to create a serialized representation of an object.
<!DOCTYPE html> < html > < head > < title > jQuery param() Method </ title > < script src = </ script > </ head > < body style = "text-align:center;" > < h1 style = "color:green;" > GeeksForGeeks </ h1 > < h2 >jQuery param() method</ h2 > < button >Click</ button > < div ></ div > <!-- Script using param() method --> < script > $(document).ready(function () { personObj = new Object(); personObj.Firstword = "Geeks"; personObj.Secondword = "For"; personObj.Thirdword = "Geeks"; personObj.Wordcolor = "Green"; $("button").click(function () { $("div").text($.param(personObj)); }); }); </ script > </ body > </ html > |
Example 2:This example uses the param() method to create a serialized representation of an object.
<!DOCTYPE html> < html > < head > < title > jQuery param() Method </ title > < script src = </ script > </ head > < body style = "text-align:center;" > < h1 style = "color:green;" > GeeksForGeeks </ h1 > < h2 >jQuery param() method</ h2 > < button >Click</ button > < div ></ div > <!-- Script using param() method --> < script > $(document).ready(function () { personObj = new Object(); personObj.Fullword = "GeeksForGeeks "; personObj.Wordcolor = " Green"; $("button").click(function () { $("div").text($.param(personObj)); }); }); </ script > </ body > </ html > |