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Lac Operon

Last Updated : 13 Sep, 2023
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Lac operon consists of the genes that are required for the metabolism of lactose in a bacterium E. coli and some other enteric bacteria. The name Lac operon actually stands for lactose operon. Lac operon works only when the nutrient source lacks glucose and has only lactose as it takes more steps to get metabolized.

What is Gene Regulation?

The process by which gene expression is regulated is called gene regulation which is responsible for determining when and where a specific gene should activate or deactivate, how much product should be synthesized, and how much time the product should remain active. Gene regulation helps in controlling the critical processes of cellular maintenance, tissue maintenance, and the organism’s functioning and developmental process.

Regulation of Gene Expression

The process of gene regulation is important so that the functional proteins are produced properly. It takes place during various stages of gene expression;

  • Replication Level: During replication any error in making the copy of gene may result in mutation which has to be regulated to make the process error free.
  • Transcriptional Level: Any error in the synthesis of the mRNA will lead to non-functional or mutated protein formation that has to be regulated.
  • Post-transcriptional level: Post transcriptional processes like RNA splicing or capping and tailing leads to modification in the mRNA to prevent any loss of code.
  • Translational level: Any mismatch of mRNA to tRNA will result in the synthesis of wrong protein.

Gene Regulation in Prokaryotes

Prokaryotes primarily regulate gene expression during transcription initiation, with the most significant impact on RNA polymerase activity at the promoter site. This regulation influences the binding of accessory proteins to recognition sites, which can impact the promoter site in two ways:

  1. Activators can positively regulate gene expression.
  2. Repressors can negatively regulate gene expression.

What is Lac Operon?

A group of genes having a single promoter found in bacterial species like E.coli and some species of entric bacteria that helps them to transport, metabolize lactose and derive energy from it when there is no glucose is present for utilization, is called Lac Operon. The three structural genes are; lac Z, lac Y, and lac A along with the CAP site, Promoter region, and Operator region regulating the whole process.

Lac Operon Concept

Lac Operon

A lac operon is a group of genes found in bacteria that play a role in metabolizing lactose, a type of sugar present in milk in absence the glucose which is the primary choice of energy for the majority of living cells. This operon consists of three structural genes; lacZ, lacY, and lacA along with regulatory gene that control their expression.

  • The lac Z gene is responsible for producing beta-galactosidase, an enzyme that breaks down lactose into glucose and galactose. 
  • The lac Y gene codes for lactose permease, which is a membrane protein that transports lactose into the bacterial cell. 
  • The lac A gene encodes for a transacetylase enzyme, which assists the beta-galactosidase enzyme.
  • The regulatory genes encodes for the represssor proteins.

Regulation of Lac Operon

The regulatory genes that control the expression of the structural genes includes;

  • The lac I gene produces the lac repressor protein, which binds to the operator region of the operon and prevents the transcription of the structural genes. The presence of lactose in the environment leads to the production of an inducer molecule called allolactose, which binds to the Lac repressor and causes it to release from the operator. This allows RNA polymerase to bind to the promoter region of the operon and initiate transcription of the structural genes.
  • The Catabolite Activator Protein (CAP) binding site, a positive regulatory site is located in the upstream of the promoter region where the CAP binds to promote transcription by helping the RNA Pol enzyme to bind to the promoter.
  • The operator, a negative regulatory site is located between promoter and structural genes is the site where lac repressor protein binds.
  • The promoter region is the location where the RNA pol enzyme binds.

Structure of Lac Operon

Lac Operon has lac Z, lac Y, and lac A as structural genes that codes for functional enzymes. For transcription of these structural genes to happen the RNA pol enzyme has to bind with the promoter P lac located upstream of the the structural genes. To repress the transcription the repressor protein has to bind with the repressor O lac located between the P lac and structural genes. The repressor protein is formed from the transcription and translation of the i lac gene which has its own promoter called the p lac located upstream and it is activated when glucose is present.

Lac operon 

Features of Lac Operon

The lac operon is a set of genes found in some bacterial species that are responsible for the metabolism of lactose, a sugar found in milk. Here are some important points about the lac operon:

  1. The lac operon consists of three structural genes: lacZ, lacY, and lacA. These genes encode for the enzymes β-galactosidase, lactose permease, and transacetylase, respectively.
  2. The lac operon also contains a regulatory gene, lacI, that codes for the lac repressor protein. The repressor binds to the operator region of the operon and prevents transcription of the structural genes.
  3. The lac operon is inducible, meaning that transcription of the structural genes is turned on in the presence of lactose. Lactose binds to the lac repressor protein, causing a conformational change that releases the repressor from the operator region.
  4. The lac operon is subject to catabolite repression, which means that the presence of glucose inhibits the transcription of the structural genes, even in the presence of lactose. This is because glucose is a preferred energy source for bacteria.
  5. The lac operon is regulated by both positive and negative control. The catabolite activator protein (CAP) binds to a site upstream of the promoter region and enhances transcription when glucose levels are low.
  6. The lac operon also undergoes attenuation, a mechanism that allows for fine-tuning of gene expression. Attenuation is based on the ability of the mRNA to fold into alternative stem-loop structures that affect transcription elongation.
  7. Mutations in the lac operon can lead to changes in the regulation of lactose metabolism, which can have a significant impact on the survival and fitness of bacteria in different environments.

Gene Regulation in Eukaryotes

Gene regulation in eukaryotic cells is a complicated process that helps cells to control how genes work, in response to signals from inside or outside the cell. This mechanism is essential for the proper growth, development, and survival of eukaryotic organisms.

There are different ways genes can be regulated in eukaryotes, such as controlling how they’re copied into RNA (transcriptional regulation), how RNA is processed and moved around the cell (post-transcriptional regulation), how RNA is turned into proteins (translational regulation), and how proteins are modified after they’re made (post-translational regulation).

FAQs on Lac Operon

1. What is Lac Operon?


Lac operon is a set of genes present in certain bacterial species that helps them to metabolize lactose when they don’t have glucose as a source of energy.

2. How lac model can be used in molecular biology?


Lac operon model can help by acting as reporter gene in different types of bacteria based selection process in different form of identification and molecular studies.

3. What is the function of Lac Operon?


The function of lac operon is to help the bacterial species survive in absence of glucose when lactose is present in the medium.

4. Who discovered Lac Operon?


Lac operon is discovered by F. Jacob and J. Monad for which theyr received the Nobel Prize in 1965.

5. Lac Operon is the Example of which Type of Regulation?


Lac operon is an example of negative regulation as in normal condition the repressor proteins restricts the transcription of structural genes.

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