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Leaky bucket algorithm

Last Updated : 05 Feb, 2025
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In computer networks, congestion occurs when data traffic exceeds the available bandwidth and leads to packet loss, delays, and reduced performance. Traffic shaping can prevent and reduce congestion in a network. It is a technique used to regulate data flow by controlling the rate at which packets are sent into the network. There are 2 types of traffic shaping algorithms: 

  1. Leaky Bucket
  2. Token Bucket

Leaky bucket algorithm

Suppose we have a bucket in which we are pouring water at random points in time but we have to get water at a fixed rate to achieve this we will make a hole at the bottom of the bucket. This will ensure that the water coming out is at some fixed rate. If the bucket gets full, then we will stop pouring water into it.

The input rate can vary but the output rate remains constant. Similarly, in networking, a technique called leaky bucket can smooth out bursty traffic. Bursty chunks are stored in the bucket and sent out at an average rate.

In the above figure, we assume that the network has committed a bandwidth of 3 Mbps for a host. The use of the leaky bucket shapes the input traffic to make it conform to this commitment. In the above figure, the host sends a burst of data at a rate of 12 Mbps for 2s, for a total of 24 Mbits of data. The host is silent for 5 s and then sends data at a rate of 2 Mbps for 3 s, for a total of 6 Mbits of data. In all, the host has sent 30 Mbits of data in 10 s. The leaky bucket smooths out the traffic by sending out data at a rate of 3 Mbps during the same 10 s. 

Without the leaky bucket, the beginning burst may have hurt the network by consuming more bandwidth than is set aside for this host. We can also see that the leaky bucket may prevent congestion.

How Does the Leaky Bucket Algorithm Work?

A simple leaky bucket algorithm can be implemented using FIFO queue. A FIFO queue holds the packets. If the traffic consists of fixed-size packets (e.g., cells in ATM networks), the process removes a fixed number of packets from the queue at each tick of the clock. If the traffic consists of variable-length packets, the fixed output rate must be based on the number of bytes or bits.

The following is an algorithm for variable-length packets:  

  1. Initialize a counter to n at the tick of the clock.
  2. Repeat until n is smaller than the packet size of the packet at the head of the queue.
    1. Pop a packet out of the head of the queue, say P.
    2. Send the packet P, into the network
    3. Decrement the counter by the size of packet P.
  3. Reset the counter and go to step 1.

Note: In the below examples, the head of the queue is the rightmost position and the tail of the queue is the leftmost position.

Example: Let n=1000 



Since n > size of the packet at the head of the Queue, i.e. n > 200 
Therefore, n = 1000-200 = 800 
Packet size of 200 is sent into the network. 


Now, again n > size of the packet at the head of the Queue, i.e. n > 400 
Therefore, n = 800-400 = 400 
Packet size of 400 is sent into the network. 


Since, n < size of the packet at the head of the Queue, i.e.  n < 450
Therefore, the procedure is stopped.

Initialize n = 1000 on another tick of the clock. 
This procedure is repeated until all the packets are sent into the network.

Below is the implementation of above explained approach: 

// cpp program to implement leakybucket
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
int main()
    int no_of_queries, storage, output_pkt_size;
    int input_pkt_size, bucket_size, size_left;

    // initial packets in the bucket
    storage = 0;

    // total no. of times bucket content is checked
    no_of_queries = 4;

    // total no. of packets that can
    // be accommodated in the bucket
    bucket_size = 10;

    // no. of packets that enters the bucket at a time
    input_pkt_size = 4;

    // no. of packets that exits the bucket at a time
    output_pkt_size = 1;
    for (int i = 0; i < no_of_queries; i++) // space left
        size_left = bucket_size - storage;
        if (input_pkt_size <= size_left) {
            // update storage
            storage += input_pkt_size;
        else {
            printf("Packet loss = %d\n", input_pkt_size);
        printf("Buffer size= %d out of bucket size= %d\n",
               storage, bucket_size);
        storage -= output_pkt_size;
    return 0;

// This code is contributed by bunny09262002
// Improved by: rishitchaudhary
Java Python C# JavaScript


Buffer size= 4 out of bucket size= 10
Buffer size= 7 out of bucket size= 10
Buffer size= 10 out of bucket size= 10
Packet loss = 4
Buffer size= 9 out of bucket size= 10

Difference between Leaky and Token buckets

Leaky BucketToken Bucket
When the host has to send a packet , packet is thrown in bucket.In this, the bucket holds tokens generated at regular intervals of time.
Bucket leaks at constant rateBucket has maximum capacity.
Bursty traffic is converted into uniform traffic by leaky bucket.If there is a ready packet , a token is removed from Bucket and packet is send.
In practice bucket is a finite queue outputs at finite rateIf there is no token in the bucket, then the packet cannot be sent.

Advantage of Leaky Bucket over Token bucket

  • Tokens may be wasted: In Token Bucket, tokens are generated at a fixed rate, even if there is no traffic on the network. This means that if no packets are sent, tokens will accumulate in the bucket, which could result in wasted resources. In contrast, with leaky bucket the network only generates packets when there is traffic, which helps to conserve resources.
  • Delay in packet delivery: Token Bucket may introduce delay in packet delivery due to the accumulation of tokens. If the token bucket is empty, packets may need to wait for the arrival of new tokens, which can lead to increased latency and packet loss.
  • Lack of flexibility: Token Bucket is less flexible compared to leaky bucket in terms of shaping network traffic. This is because the token generation rate is fixed, and cannot be changed easily to meet the changing needs of the network. In contrast, leaky bucket can be adjusted more easily to adapt to changes in network traffic.
  • Complexity: Token Bucket can be more complex to implement compared to leaky bucket, especially when different token generation rates are used for different types of traffic. This can make it more difficult for network administrators to configure and manage the network.
  • Inefficient use of bandwidth: In some cases, Token Bucket may lead to inefficient use of bandwidth. This is because Token Bucket allows for large bursts of data to be sent at once, which can cause congestion and lead to packet loss. In contrast, leaky bucket helps to prevent congestion by limiting the amount of data that can be sent at any given time.

Frequently Asked Questions on Leaky Bucket algorithm-FAQs

What is QoS and how does it work?

Quality of Service (QoS) is a network management technique that prioritizes certain types of traffic to ensure reliable performance, especially for latency-sensitive applications like VoIP, video streaming, and gaming.

What is congestion control in TCP?

Congestion control in TCP is a mechanism that prevents network congestion by adjusting the data transmission rate based on network conditions.

What are the parameters of leaky bucket?

The Leaky Bucket Algorithm has the following key parameters:

  1. Bucket Size (B) – The maximum capacity of the bucket (queue), defining how much data can be stored before overflow occurs.
  2. Leak Rate (R) – The fixed rate at which packets (or tokens) are drained from the bucket, controlling the output flow.
  3. Incoming Traffic (I) – The rate at which data packets arrive into the bucket, which can be bursty or steady.
  4. Time Interval (T) – The duration over which the leak rate is applied, ensuring a consistent outflow of packets.

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