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Microsoft Azure – Deploy a Static Web App

Last Updated : 30 Mar, 2023
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This is a new offer in the app service family called static web apps. Static web apps is a tailored offer designed for static web apps full stack javascript web apps with static front-ends and optional dynamic back-ends powered by serverless APIs in our case implemented with azure functions. Static web apps are a preview offer.

Azure makes it really easy to get started. Azure asks for minimal information to create this static web app resource right through the portal. Azure asks for a resource group and for the name of your app. Static web apps Ask for a region, and this is just to provision functions the actual Static content is geo-distributed.

Static web apps have a very deep connection with GitHub because Azure wants to empower developers to use open-source tools.

First, connect to your GitHub repo by signing into your GitHub account and selecting the repo for your demo. Also, select a branch that you want to associate with production deploy deployment. If you have the opportunity to inform static web apps of your app location, API location, or the location of your build artifacts, in this case, the default configuration is fine. So, you can move forward with the creation of your app and will get a notification when your resource is created. Connection with GitHub allows you for effortless transitions back and forth between the azure portal management experience And the actual development experience that is tied to Github. You can see that your resource features a URL for the web app that was provisioned but it also has deep links to GitHub and Azure generates a workflow file in Github that informs Github actions for ci/cd.

If you follow that link you will see the work of the file that you generated actually matches the specific resource that was just provisioned within that workflow file. Azure provides you with complete transparency about the build and deployment and you also have the opportunity to customize and inform their platform about how you would like us to handle your code assets. 

Again, you notice that you have Multiple code assets. So this is a React-based app and also has the API that is powered by azure functions and follows the azure functions programming model. So you will see configuration elements that are specific to azure functions Now, GitHub actions show the status of your deployment. It shows you, how you are progressing through all of the build and deployment steps and because there is full transparency in your repo, you also have an audit log for all of the different steps that Azure has taken for your app.

This is now completed so you can go back to the Azure portal and take a look at the resource. The same deep integration with GitHub is present If you create pre-production environments.  

You can do it simply by submitting a pull request if you send a pull request, you will automatically provision that pre-production environment for you and the pull request itself. Azure will tell you what you provisioned in this case. After going back to the connection between GitHub and the Azure portal. You can see Environments and you can see that you have direct access to both the branch that you deployed from in GitHub And the resources that you just provisioned to browse directly from the Azure portal.

Finally, this is the process to deploy a static web app in the Azure portal series.

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