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Microsoft Azure – Disable Boot Diagnostics For a VM in Azure

Last Updated : 30 Mar, 2023
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Disabling Boot diagnostics will stop collecting the logs and snapshots of an Azure virtual machine. This will not store any boot failures of an Azure virtual machine. 

Note: Disabling Boot diagnostics is not recommended for production workload virtual machines.

When is Disabling Boot Diagnostics is recommended?

Disabling Boot diagnostics is recommended only when we are in a test environment for testing the application and if the virtual machine does not require any monitoring insights or logs. In these cases disabling Boot Diagnostics will also help in reducing the write operations cost in a few cases. 

Follow the below steps to perform the operation in azure.

Step 1: Log in to Azure Portal

Step 2: Go to Virtual Machine Resources and Select your Virtual Machine which you want to disable boot diagnostics.

Step 3: Once you open and select your virtual machine Search for “Boot Diagnostics”

Step 4: Click on “Boot Diagnostics” >> Click on “Settings”

Step 5:  Choose the “Disable” Option and Click “Save” to disable the boot diagnostics for an Azure VM.

That’s it you are done.

Disadvantages of Disabling the Boot Diagnostics:

Following are the disadvantages of disabling Boot diagnostics for a VM in Azure:

  1. You cannot get the boot diagnostics failure logs
  2. You will not get boot load snapshots.
  3. Disabling will make the engineering/operations team difficult to troubleshoot the VM failures.



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