Microsoft Azure – Resizing Virtual Machine Using PowerShell Script
Last Updated :
31 Mar, 2023
In this article, we will look into the process of resizing azure VMs at once using the Azure PowerShell automation script in the Azure portal by using the cloud shell.
Advantages of using the method approach:
- Resizing Multiple VMs at once in a follow for select subscription
- Saves the time of the User
- Simplifying the Actions by Automating the process
- Re-usable Script
Step 1: Log in to Azure Portal
Step 2: Open Cloud Shell and Select PowerShell
Step 3: Create a Folder named “Automation”
mkdir Automation
Step 4: Change directory
cd ./Automation/
Step 5: Create file “test-resize.ps1”
touch test-resize.ps1
Step 6: Azure PowerShell Script
- Change the following two-line in the below-given code:
- Line Number 3 >> $VMsList = @(“TestVM”, “TestVM2″,”TestVM3”,…) #Provide your VM List that need to be resized
- Line Number 4 >> $NewAzureSize = “Standard_B2s” #Provide your New Azure VM Size
- Then, paste the code in test-resize.ps1 file and save and close.
$AzVMs = Get-AzureRmVM | Select-Object -Property Name, ResourceGroupName, Location, Type, ProvisioningState $VMsList = @("TestVM", "TestVM2", "TestVM3") #Provide your VM List that need to be Resized $NewAzureSize = "Standard_B2s" #Provide your New Azure VM Size foreach ($VM in $AzVMs) { $VMName = $VM.Name $ResourceGroupName = $VM.ResourceGroupName $Type = $VM.Type $Location = $VM.Location $ProvisioningState = $VM.ProvisioningState if ($VMsList -contains $VMName) { Write-Host "--------------------------------------------------------------------" Write-Host "Virtual Machine: $VMName" Write-Host "ResourceGroup : $ResourceGroupName" Write-Host "Location : $Location" Write-Host "ResourceType : $Type" Write-Host "ProvisioningState : $ProvisioningState" Write-Host "--------------------------------------------------------------------" Write-Host "Deallocating $VMName VM." Stop-AzVM -ResourceGroupName $ResourceGroupName -Name $VMName -Force Write-Host "$VMName VM Stopped." Write-Host "--------------------------------------------------------------------" Write-Host "Updating $VMName VMSize." $vm = Get-AzVM -ResourceGroupName $ResourceGroupName -VMName $VMName $vm.HardwareProfile.VmSize = $AzureSize Update-AzVM -VM $vm -ResourceGroupName $ResourceGroupName Write-Host "Successfully resized $VMName VM to size $NewAzureSize." Write-Host "--------------------------------------------------------------------" Write-Host "Starting $VMName VM" Start-AzVM -ResourceGroupName $ResourceGroupName -Name $VMName Write-Host "$VMName VM Started." Write-Host "--------------------------------------------------------------------" } }
Step 7: Now, it’s time to run the code. Use the following syntax to execute the Azure PowerShell script for Resizing.
Step 8: Output looks like the following for all the listed VMs in Script. That’s it, You are done.
At this point, we have successfully managed to resize our Azure VM using Powershell script.