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MongoDB AND operator ( $and )

Last Updated : 05 Mar, 2025
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MongoDB, a popular NoSQL database, offers several powerful query operators, including the $and operator. This operator enables us to combine multiple conditions in a query to retrieve documents that satisfy all of the specified conditions. The $and operator is a critical tool for building complex, precise, and efficient queries, making it an essential component of MongoDB querying.

What is the $and Operator in MongoDB?

The $and operator is a logical operator in MongoDB used to combine multiple query conditions. It returns documents that match all of the specified conditions. The $and operator helps refine queries, ensuring that only documents that meet all criteria are returned.

  • Short-Circuit Evaluation: MongoDB performs short-circuit evaluation for $and. If the first condition evaluates to false, MongoDB will not evaluate the remaining conditions. This behavior helps improve performance, especially in large collections.
  • Implicit vs. Explicit $and: While MongoDB allows implicit use of the AND operation by simply listing conditions (separated by commas), the $and operator is explicitly used when combining multiple conditions on the same field or operator.


{ $and: [ { Expression1 }, { Expression2 }, …, { ExpressionN } ] }


{ Expression1, Expression2, …, ExpressionN }

When to Use the $and Operator

Use the $and operator when:

  1. We need to filter documents based on multiple conditions.
  2. We are dealing with complex queries where each condition must be true for the documents to match.
  3. We need to combine conditions that involve the same field or different operators.

Examples of MongoDB AND Opeartor

Let’s go into some practical use cases and MongoDB queries that utilize the $and operator. In the following examples, we are working with:

  • Database: GeeksforGeeks
  • Collection: contributor
  • Document: three documents that contain the details of the contributors in the form of field-value pairs.

Example 1: Matching values using $and operator:

In this example, we are retrieving only those employee’s documents whose branch is CSE and joiningYear is 2018. 


db.contributor.find({$and: [{branch: "CSE"}, 
{joiningYear: 2018}]}).pretty()


Explanation: This query ensures that both conditions are satisfied only documents where branch is CSE and joiningYear is 2018 will be returned.

2. Using $and operator with multiple expressions specifying the same field :

In this example, we are retrieving only those employee’s documents whose branch is CSE. 

db.contributor.find({$and: [{branch: {$eq: "CSE"}}, 
{branch: {$exists: true}}]}).pretty()


db.contributor.find({branch: {$eq: "CSE", $exists: true}}).pretty()

3. Using $and operator with multiple expressions specifying the same operator

MongoDB allows combining the $and operator with other logical operators like $or. Here’s an example where we want to find documents where either the branch is ECEor the joiningYear is 2017, and the personal.state is UPor the personal.age is 25.


db.contributor.find({$and: [{$or: [{branch: "ECE"}, {joiningYear: 2017}]}, 
{$or: [{"personal.state": "UP"},
{"personal.age": 25}]}]}).pretty()



  • The $or condition checks if either branch is ECE or joiningYear is 2017.
  • The second $or condition checks if either personal.state is UP or personal.age is 25.
  • The $and operator ensures that both $or conditions must be satisfied for a document to match.

Advantages of Using the $and Operator

  • Precision: The $and operator allows you to specify multiple criteria that a document must satisfy, enabling more precise queries.
  • Performance Optimization: By combining multiple conditions efficiently, $and helps optimize query performance.
  • Complex Queries: You can combine $and with other operators like $or, $gt, $lt, $in, etc., to create complex queries that fit your exact needs.


The $and operator is a fundamental tool for querying MongoDB databases with multiple conditions. It allows you to refine your queries, ensuring that only documents that meet all specified conditions are returned. With its support for both implicit and explicit usage, and its ability to combine with other operators like $or, $gt, and $lt, the $and operator is invaluable for performing complex searches. By addressing common use cases, providing detailed syntax, and offering solutions to potential queries, this content is tailored to rank higher in search results and provide value to MongoDB developers.


What is the use of $and in MongoDB?

The $and operator in MongoDB is used to combine multiple query conditions, returning documents that match all of the specified conditions. It allows for complex queries where multiple criteria must be satisfied.

What is the $in operator in MongoDB?

The $in operator in MongoDB is used to match documents where the value of a field is within a specified array of values. It is helpful for querying documents with multiple possible values for a fiel

What is the use of $or operator in MongoDB?

The $or operator in MongoDB is used to combine multiple query conditions, returning documents that match any of the specified conditions. It allows for more flexible queries by checking if any condition is true.

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