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MongoDB – countDocuments() Method

Last Updated : 03 Feb, 2025
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MongoDB provides powerful methods to manage and retrieve data efficiently. One such method is countDocuments(), which allows us to count the number of documents in a collection that match a specified query filter. This method is particularly useful when dealing with large datasets, ensuring accurate and efficient counting operations.

In this article, we will explore the countDocuments() method in MongoDB, its syntax, parameters, examples, and best practices to enhance performance.

What is countDocuments() in MongoDB?

The countDocuments() method in MongoDB is used to count the number of documents in a collection that match a specified query filter. It performs a precise count by scanning documents in the collection or utilizing indexes for optimized counting. It takes two arguments first one is the selection criteria and the other is optional. 

Key Features of countDocuments()

  • Provides accurate counts based on a query filter.
  • Supports multi-document transactions.
  • Returns 0 if the collection is empty or does not exist.
  • Does not rely on metadata; instead, it performs aggregation for precision.
  • Cannot be used with operators like $where, $near, and $nearSphere.
  • Can use indexes for better performance on large datasets.


db.collection.countDocuments(query, options)


  • query: A document that specifies the selection criteria using query operators.
  • options (Optional): An object that specifies additional options for the count operation.
  • Some of the options include:
    • limit: The maximum number of documents to count.
    • skip: The number of documents to skip before counting.
    • hint: An index hint to use for the query.
    • maxTimeMS: The maximum amount of time to allow the query to run.

Examples of countDocuments() in MongoDB

To understand MongoDB countDocuments() we need a collection called student. This collection contains student records with fields such as name, age, and grade, allowing us to perform various counting queries based on different conditions.

Below, we will execute queries on this dataset to count documents efficiently.


Example 1: Count all Documents in a Collection

The countDocuments({}) method is used to count all documents in a collection. Since we pass an empty query ({}), MongoDB does not apply any filters and returns the total number of documents available in the student collection.






  • The empty {} query matches all documents in the collection.
  • MongoDB counts and returns the total number of documents stored in the student collection.
  • If the collection is empty, the result will be 0

Example 2: Count Documents Matching a Query

The countDocuments() method can be used with a query filter to count documents that match specific conditions. In this example, we count the number of students whose age is greater than 18 ($gt: 18)






  • The { age: { $gt: 18 } } filter selects only students where age is greater than 18.
  • MongoDB scans the student collection and counts only the matching documents.
  • If no students match the criteria, the result will be 0

Example 3: Count Documents with a Specific Condition

In this example, we use countDocuments() to count the number of students who have received grade “A” in the student collection.


db.student.countDocuments({ grade: "A" });




  • The filter { grade: "A" } matches only those students whose grade field is exactly “A”.
  • MongoDB scans the student collection and counts only the documents that meet this condition.
  • If no students have grade “A”, the result will be 0

Example 4: Count with Limit and Skip

In this example, we use countDocuments() with the skip and limit options to control which documents are counted. This allows us to skip the first document and count only the next two in the student collection.


db.student.countDocuments({}, { skip: 1, limit: 2 });




  • skip: 1Skips the first document in the collection.
  • limit: 2Counts only the next two documents after skipping.
  • This query ensures that the first document is ignored, and counting starts from the second document.

Performance Considerations for countDocuments()

To optimize counting queries, follow these best practices:

Use Indexes: If counting based on a query, ensure the field is indexed for faster execution.

Avoid Large Skips: Using .skip() on large collections can be slow; instead, use range queries ($gte, $lte).

Apply Filters Efficiently: Use specific field filters to reduce the dataset scanned.

Set maxTimeMS: To prevent long-running queries, set a timeout using maxTimeMS


The countDocuments() method in MongoDB is a powerful tool for counting documents accurately within a collection. By using indexes and query optimizations, it can handle large-scale datasets efficiently. Whether you’re working on analytics, reporting, or database monitoring, mastering countDocuments() will enhance performance and scalability in your MongoDB applications. Understanding how to combine countDocuments() with filters, indexing, and pagination will further optimize query execution and improve overall database efficiency


Can the countDocuments() method use indexes to fulfill the query filter?

Yes, the countDocuments() method can use indexes to fulfill the query filter, which can help optimize performance.

What will the countDocuments() method return if the collection is empty or does not exist in the database?

If the collection is empty or does not exist in the database, the countDocuments() method will return 0.

Are there any query operators that cannot be used with the countDocuments() method?

Yes, the countDocuments() method does not support the $where, $near, and $nearSphere operators as part of the query expressions.

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