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MongoDB $gt Operator

Last Updated : 28 Jan, 2025
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The $gt operator in MongoDB is a powerful comparison operator that allows you to query documents where the value of a field is greater than a specified value. It can be used in various methods, such as find, update, and aggregate, making it a flexible tool for data analysis and retrieval.

In this guide, we will cover the $gt operator in detail, including its syntax, use cases, and examples. Whether you are a beginner or an advanced MongoDB user, this article provides everything you need to know about using $gt effectively

What is the $gt Operator in MongoDB?

The $gt operator is a comparison operator in MongoDB that matches documents where the value of a field is greater than (>) a specified value. It can be applied to various data types, including numbers, strings, dates, and arrays, making it a versatile option for querying collections.

Key Features of $gt Operator

  • Used to filter documents where a field’s value exceeds a given threshold.
  • Supports integration with other query operators and methods.
  • Can handle various data types such as numbers, dates, and arrays.
  • Ideal for tasks like range filtering, data analysis, and threshold checks.


{field: {$gt: value}}

Key Terms:

  • field: Specifies the name of the field to evaluate.
  • $gt: Indicates the greater-than condition.
  • value: The threshold value to compare against.

Examples of MongoDB $gt Operator

To understand how the $gt operator works, consider the following examples. We will use a database named GeeksforGeeks and a collection called employee, which contains the following documents:

  • Database: GeeksforGeeks
  • Collection: employee
  • Document: four documents that contain the details of the employees in the form of field-value pairs.

demo database and collection

Example 1: Find Employees with a Salary Greater Than 35,000

In this example, we are selecting those documents where the value of the salary field is greater than 35000.


db.employee.find({salary: {$gt: 35000}}).pretty()


$gt operator example output

Explanation: The query filters and retrieves documents where the salary is greater than 35,000.

Example 2: Find Employees with Age Greater Than 23

In this example, we are selecting only those documents where the age of the employee is greater than 23. Or in other words, in this example, we are specifying conditions on the field in the embedded document using dot notation.


db.employee.find({"personalDetails.age": {$gt:23}}).pretty()


Explanation: The query uses dot notation to access the nested age field inside the personalDetails document and applies the $gt operator.

Example 3: Using $gt operator with arrays

In this example, we are selecting only those documents where the points array is greater than the specified array.


db.employee.find({points: {$gt: [4,5]}}).pretty()


Explanation: The query compares the points array in the documents with the specified array [4, 5] based on lexicographical ordering.

Use Cases of $gt Operator

  1. Threshold Analysis: Find records exceeding a specific value, such as salaries above a certain amount.
  2. Date Filtering: Retrieve documents within a specific date range by combining $gt and $lt operators.
  3. Ranking and Scores: Identify documents with scores or ranks above a particular level.
  4. Data Validation: Verify if specific fields meet minimum requirements.

Important Points About MongoDB $gt Operator

  1. Versatility: The $gt operator works with various data types, including numbers, dates, strings, and arrays.
  2. Use with Query Operators: It can be combined with other operators like $lt, $gte, $and, and $or for more complex queries.
  3. Nested Field Access: Supports dot notation for querying fields within embedded documents.
  4. Integration with Methods: Works seamlessly with methods like find, update, delete, and aggregation pipelines.
  5. Optimized Performance: Automatically leverages indexes (if present) to improve query speed and efficiency.


The $gt operator in MongoDB is an essential tool for filtering documents based on greater-than conditions. Its ability to handle diverse data types, work with nested fields, and integrate with various methods makes it highly versatile. By mastering the $gt operator and combining it with other operators, you can perform complex queries and gain deeper insights from your data. Whether you’re working with numbers, dates, or arrays, $gt is a reliable choice for efficient and precise data retrieval.


What is $gt in MongoDB?

$gt is a query operator in MongoDB that matches documents where the value of a field is greater than a specified value. Example:
db.collection.find({ age: { $gt: 18 } });

How to use $gte?

$gte matches documents where the value of a field is greater than or equal to a specified value. Example: db.collection.find({ age: { $gte: 18 } });

What are MongoDB operators?

MongoDB operators are special keywords used in queries to perform comparisons, logical operations, element checks, and more. Examples include $gt, $lt, $in, $and, and $exists.

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