Perl | Operators in Regular Expression
Prerequisite: Perl | Regular Expressions The Regular Expression is a string which is the combination of different characters that provides matching of the text strings. A regular expression can also be referred to as regex or regexp. The basic method for applying a regular expression is to use of binding operators =~ (Regex Operator) and !~ (Negated Regex Operator). There are three types of regular expression operators in Perl:
- Match Regular Expression
- Substitute (Search and replace) Regular Expression
- Global Character Transliteration Regular Expression
1) Pattern Matching or Match Regular Expression: The match operator “m//” is used to match a string or a statement against a regular expression. The forward slash used in the operator ( m// ) acts as the delimiter and this delimiter can also be like m{}, m(), and m><, etc. The expression is written in between two forward slashes used in the operator.
Syntax: m/PATTERN/
Here, PATTERN is the Regular Expression to be searched in the string Let’s see some examples illustrating the pattern matching: In the below examples, a string and regular expression is matched, on success it returns “match found” otherwise “match not found”. Example 1:
#!/user/bin/perl # Initializing a string $a = "GeeksforGeeks"; # matching the string and # a regular expression and returns # match found or not if ( $a =~ m/ for /) { print "Match Found\n"; } else { print "Match Not Found\n"; } |
Match Found
Example 2:
#!/user/bin/perl # Initialising an string $a = "GeeksforGeeks"; # matching the string and # a regular expression and returns # match found or not if ( $a =~ m:abc:) { print "Match Found\n"; } else { print "Match Not Found\n"; } |
Match Not Found
Here, in the above code a different delimiter ‘:’ is used instead of ‘/’, this shows that it is not necessary to use ‘/’ as a delimiter. 2) Substitute (Search and replace) Regular Expression: The substitute operator “s///” is used to search a specific word and then replace it with a given regular expression. The forward slash used in the operator ( s/// ) acts as the delimiter.
Here PATTERN is the regular expression which is to be replaced with REPLACEMENT regular expression. Let’s see some examples illustrating the substitute regular expression: In the below examples, a PATTERN word is searched first then it is replaced with the REPLACEMENT word. Example-1:
#/user/bin/perl # Initialising a string $string = "GeeksforGeeks is a computer science portal."; # Calling the substitute regular expression $string =~ s/GeeksforGeeks/gfg/; $string =~ s/computer science/cs/; # Printing the substituted string print " $string \n"; |
gfg is a cs portal.
#/user/bin/perl # Initialising a string $string = "10001"; # Calling the substitution regular expression $string =~ s/000/999/; # Printing the substituted string print " $string \n"; |
3) Global Character Transliteration regular expression: The translation or transliteration operator “tr///” or “y///” is used to replace all the occurrences of a character with a given single character. The forward slash used in the operator ( tr/// and y/// ) acts as the delimiter.
Here SEARCHLIST is the character whose all the occurrences are going to be replaced with the character in REPLACEMENTLIST. Let’s see some examples illustrating the translation regular expression: In the below examples, all occurrences of “G” are replaced with “g” with two different operators “tr///” and “y///“. Example 1:
#/user/bin/perl # Initialising a string $string = 'GeeksforGeeks' ; # Calling the tr/// operator $string =~ tr /G/g/; # Printing the replaced string print " $string \n"; |
Example 2:
#/user/bin/perl # Initialising a string $string = 'GeeksforGeeks' ; # Calling the y/// operator $string =~ y/G/g/; # Printing the replaced string print " $string \n"; |