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Perl | Useful String Operators

Last Updated : 21 May, 2021
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A string in Perl is a scalar variable and start with a ($) sign and it can contain alphabets, numbers, special characters. The string can consist of a single word, a group of words or a multi-line paragraph. The String is defined by the user within a single quote (‘) or double quote (“). 
Operators are the foundation of any programming language, so as in Perl. A user can define operators in String as symbols that help to perform specific mathematical and logical computations on operands. These operations are like concatenation, comparison, substitution, etc.


# Perl program to demonstrate the
# Concatenation Operator(.) in String
# Input first string 
$first_string = "Geeks";
# Input second string 
$second_string = "forGeeks";
# Implement Concatenation operator(.) 
$concat_string = $first_string.$second_string;
# displaying concatenation string result
print "String After Concatenation = $concat_string\n";


String After Concatenation = GeeksforGeeks


Some useful operators for String operations in Perl are listed below: 


Operator Description
qw ‘quote word’ operator is used to extract each element of the given string as it is in an array of elements in single-quote ( ‘ ‘ )
q Used in place of single quotes. It uses a set of parentheses to surround the string
qq Used in place of double quotes. It uses a set of parentheses to surround the string
y Translates all characters of SearchList into the corresponding characters of ReplacementList
tr Similar to ‘y’ operator it translates all characters of SearchList into the corresponding characters of ReplacementList
eq Used to check if the string to its left is stringwise equal to the string to its right
ne Used to check if the string to its left is stringwise not equal to the string to its right
le Used to check if the string to its left is stringwise less than or equal to the string to its right
ge Used to check if the string to its left is stringwise greater than or equal to the string to its right
lt Used to check if the string to its left is stringwise less than the string to its right
gt Used to check if the string to its left is stringwise greater than the string to its right
cmp Used to compare if the two strings placed left and right to this operator are equal or less than the other
substitution operator(s) Used to substitute a text of the string with some pattern specified by the user
matching operator(m) Used to match a pattern within the given text


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