PHP Ds\Set Functions Complete Reference
Last Updated :
25 Jan, 2023
Set is the collection of unique values. The implementation of Ds\Set is similar to the Ds\Map which creates a hash table. The values of Ds\Set are used as key and the mapped values are ignored.
Requirements: PHP 7 is required for both extension and the compatibility polyfill.
Installation: The easiest way to install data structure by using the PECL extension.
pecl install ds
public Ds\Set::functionName()
Example: Below programs illustrate the Ds\Set::count() function:
<?php // Declare new Set $set = new \Ds\Set([10, 15, 21]); // Display the Set element var_dump( $set ); // Display count of elements // present in the Set echo "Count is : " ; print_r( $set -> count ()); ?> |
object(Ds\Set)#1 (3) { [0]=> int(10) [1]=> int(15) [2]=> int(21) } Count is : 3
Complete list of data structure DS\Set:
Functions |
Description |
add() | It is used to add values to the set. |
allocate() | Allocate memory for required capacity. |
capacity() | Return the capacity of the set. |
clear() | Remove all values from the set. |
__construct() | Create new instance of set. |
contains() | Check the given value exists in the set or not. |
copy() | Return the copy of the set element. |
count() | Count the number of values present in the Set. |
diff() | Create a set that contains the elements of the first set which are not present in the second set. |
filter() | Create new set using filter function. |
first() | Returns the first element of the Set. |
get() | Get a value from the Set instance. |
intersect() | Create a new set that contains the intersection of two sets. |
isEmpty() | Check whether a set is empty or not. |
join() | It is used to join all values as string |
last() | Return the last element from the Set instance. |
merge() | Returns a set after adding all given values to the set. |
reduce() | Set to a single value by applying operations using the callback function. |
remove() | Remove specific values from a Set instance.. |
reverse() | Reverse the order of elements present in the Set instance. |
reversed() | Create a copy of the original Set with values arranged in reverse order. |
slice() | Return the sub-set of a given range. |
sort() | Sort the elements of a specified Set instance according to the values. |
sorted() | Return a sorted copy of a given set. |
sum() | Find the sum of all of the elements present in a Set. |
toArray() | Convert the Set into an associative array. |
union() | Create a new set that contains the union of two sets |
xor() | Create a new set that contains the value either in the first set or second set but not both. |