PHP | IntlChar digit() function
Last Updated :
27 Aug, 2019
The IntlChar::digit() function is an inbuilt function in PHP which is used to get the decimal digit value of a code point for a given radix. This function returns the decimal digit value of the code point in the specified radix.
int IntlChar::digit( $codepoint, $radix )
Parameters: This function accepts two parameters as mentioned above and described below:
- $codepoint: The value of $codepoint is an integer or character, which is encoded as a UTF-8 string.
- $radix: It is optional parameter. Its default value is 10.
Return Value: This function returns the number represented by the character in the given radix, or False if there is no value or if the value exceeds the radix.
Note: Valid and invalid function argument:
- If both $radix or $digit is not valid then return NULL.
- The $radix argument is valid if its value lies between $radix >= 2 and $radix <= 36.
- The digit is valid if its value is 0 <= digit < radix.
- The character has a decimal digit value. This characters comes under general category Nd(decimal digit numbers) and a Numeric_Type of Decimal.
- The character is uppercase Latin letters in between ‘A’ to ‘Z’. Then the value of character is c-‘A’+10.
- The character is lowercase Latin letters in between ‘a’ to ‘z’. Then the value of character is ch-‘a’+10.
- Latin letters from both the ASCII range (0061..007A, 0041..005A) as well as from the Full width ASCII range (FF41..FF5A, FF21..FF3A) are recognized.
Below programs illustrate the IntlChar::digit() function in PHP:
Program 1:
<?php // PHP code to illustrate IntlChar::digit() // function // Input data is single digit var_dump(IntlChar::digit( "6" )); // Input data is single digit var_dump(IntlChar::digit( "3" )); // Input data is character type var_dump(IntlChar::digit( "A" )); // // Input data is character type with base var_dump(IntlChar::digit( "P" , 16)); // // Input data is character type with base var_dump(IntlChar::digit( "9" , 2)); ?> |
int(6) int(3) bool(false) bool(false) bool(false)
Program 2:
<?php // PHP code to illustrate IntlChar::digit() // Declare an array $arr $arr = array ( "G" , "GeeksforGeeks" , "^" , "1001" , "6" , "\n" , "\n\n" , "\t" ); // Loop run for every array element foreach ( $arr as $val ){ // Check each element as code point data var_dump(IntlChar::digit( $val )); } ?> |
bool(false) NULL bool(false) NULL int(6) bool(false) NULL bool(false)
Related Articles:
- PHP | IntlChar::isdigit() Function
- PHP | IntlChar::forDigit() Function
- PHP | IntlChar::charDigitValue() Function