PHP | IntlChar isdefined() Function
Last Updated :
03 Nov, 2020
The IntlChar::isdefined() function is an inbuilt function in PHP which is used to check whether the code point is defined or not. The character is said to be determined if it is assigned a character. It is True for general categories other than Cn (other, not assigned).
bool IntlChar::isdefined ( $codepoint )
Parameters: This function accepts a single parameter $codepoint which is mandatory. The $codepoint value is an integer values or character, which is encoded as a UTF-8 string.
Return Value: This function returns True if $codepoint is a defined character, False otherwise.
Below programs illustrate the IntlChar::isdefined() function in PHP:
Program 1:
<?php // PHP function to illustrate // the use of IntlChar::isdefined() // Input data is character type var_dump(IntlChar::isdefined( "A" )); // Input data is character type var_dump(IntlChar::isdefined( " " )); // Input data is unicode character var_dump(IntlChar::isdefined( "\u{FDD0}" )); // Input data is string type var_dump(IntlChar::isdefined( "XYZ" )); // Input data is character type var_dump(IntlChar::isdefined( "5" )); ?> |
bool(true) bool(true) bool(false) NULL bool(true)
Program 2:
<?php // PHP code to illustrate IntlChar::isdefined() // Declare an array $arr $arr = array ( "G" , "GeeksforGeeks" , "^" , "1001" , "6" , "\n" , "\n\n" , "\t" ); // Loop run for every array element foreach ( $arr as $val ){ // Check each element as code point data var_dump(IntlChar::isdefined( $val )); } ?> |
bool(true) NULL bool(true) NULL bool(true) bool(true) NULL bool(true)
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