PHP | IntlChar::charDigitValue() Function
Last Updated :
09 Feb, 2021
The IntlChar::charDigitValue() function is an inbuilt function in PHP which is used to return the decimal digit value from a decimal digit character. Where the general category decimal digit numbers and “Nd” is Numeric_Type of Decimal.
int IntlChar::charDigitValue( $codepoint )
Parameters: This function accepts a single parameter $codepoint which is mandatory. The input parameter is a character or integer value, which is encoded as a UTF-8 string.
Return Value: If $codepoint is decimal digit value then returns True otherwise return -1.
Below programs illustrate the IntlChar::charDigitValue() Function in PHP.
Program 1:
<?php // PHP code to illustrate IntlChar::charDigitValue // function //Input int codepoint value var_dump(IntlChar::charDigitValue( "\u{2025}" )); echo "<br>" ; //Input character codepoint value var_dump(IntlChar::charDigitValue( "2345" )); echo "<br>" ; //Input int codepoint value var_dump(IntlChar::charDigitValue( "\u{0774}" )); echo "<br>" ; //Input int codepoint value var_dump(IntlChar::charDigitValue( "2" )); echo "<br>" ; //Input character codepoint value var_dump(IntlChar::charDigitValue( "Geeks" )); echo "<br>" ; //Input character codepoint value var_dump(IntlChar::charDigitValue( "\u{0E66}" )); echo "<br>" ; //Input Empty codepoint value var_dump(IntlChar::charDigitValue( " " )); ?> |
int(-1) NULL int(-1) int(2) NULL int(-1) int(-1)
Program 2:
<?php // PHP code to illustrate // IntlChar::charDigitValue() function // Declare an array $arr $arr = array ( "^" , "2345" , "6" , "\n" ); // Loop run for every array element foreach ( $arr as $val ){ // Check each element as code point data var_dump(IntlChar::charDigitValue( $val )); echo "<br>" ; } ?> |
int(-1) NULL int(6) int(-1)
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