PHP IntlChar::ord() Function
Last Updated :
03 Apr, 2023
The IntlChar::ord() function is an inbuilt function in PHP which is used to return the Unicode code point value of the given character.
int IntlChar::ord( $character )
Parameters: This function accepts a single parameter $character which is mandatory. This parameter is a Unicode character.
Return Value: It returns the Unicode code point value as an integer.
Below examples illustrate the IntlChar::ord() Function in PHP:
Example 1: In this example, we will use the ord() function.
<?php // PHP function to illustrate // the use of IntlChar::ord() // Input int codepoint value var_dump(IntlChar::ord( "4" )); // Input character codepoint value var_dump(IntlChar::ord( "B" )); // Input character codepoint value var_dump(IntlChar::ord( "b" )); //Input int codepoint value var_dump(IntlChar::ord( "2018" )); // Input character codepoint value var_dump(IntlChar::ord( "Geeks" )); // Input symbolic codepoint value var_dump(IntlChar::ord( "@" )); // Input symbolic codepoint value var_dump(IntlChar::ord( "*" )); // Input space codepoint value var_dump(IntlChar::ord( " " )); ?> |
int(52) int(66) int(98) NULL NULL int(64) int(42) int(32)
Example 2: In this example, we will use the ord() function.
<?php // PHP function to illustrate the // use of IntlChar::ord() // Declare an array with // different codepoint value $arr = array ( "X" , "x" , "*" , "8" , "0" , " " , "&" , ")" , "99" , ); // For loop condition to check // each character through function foreach ( $arr as $val ) { // Check each element as code point data var_dump(IntlChar::ord( $val )); } ?> |
int(88) int(120) int(42) int(56) int(48) int(32) int(38) int(41) NULL
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