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PHP String Programs

Last Updated : 26 Oct, 2023
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Strings can be seen as a stream of characters. For example, ‘G’ is a character, and ‘GeeksforGeeks’ is a string. This article contains a list of all programming articles based on String in PHP that are majorly asked in Interviews.

S. No.


1PHP Program to Read Each Character of a String
2PHP Program to Check for Substring in a String
3PHP Program to Replace String
4PHP Program to Get the Last Character of a String
5PHP Program to Get the Position of a Character in a String
6PHP Program to Insert a Line Break in a String
7PHP Program to Check if a String Contains a Substring
8PHP Program to Get the Last n Characters of a String
9PHP Program to Check a String is a Rotation of Another String
10PHP Program to Limit String Length
11PHP Program to Replace a Word Inside a String
12PHP Program to Check for Empty String
13PHP Program to Prepend a String
14PHP Program to Get a Substring Between Two Strings
15PHP Program to Write Multi-Line Strings
16PHP Program to Get the First Word of a Sentence
17PHP Program to Convert Array to String
18PHP Program to Extract Numbers From a String
19PHP Program to Get Different Characters in the Given String
20PHP Program to Find Number of Characters in a String
21PHP Program to Insert String at Specified Position
22PHP Program to Encrypt and Decrypt a String
23PHP Program to Concatenation of Two Strings
24PHP Program to Put String in Array and Split by New Line
25PHP Program to Change Strings in an Array to Uppercase
26PHP Program to Remove Special Character from String
27PHP Program to Remove All Non-Printable Characters in a String
28PHP Program to Generating Random String
29PHP Program to Print All Permutations of a Given String
30PHP Program to Repeat a String to a Specific Number of Times
31PHP Program to Replace Multiple Characters in a String
32PHP Program to Remove the First Character of a String
33PHP Program to Find the Length of the Last Word in a String
34PHP Program to Generate a Random, Unique, Alphanumeric String
35PHP Program to Get String Length
36PHP Program to Find Minimum Rotations that Required to Get the Same String
37PHP Program to Remove Line Breaks from the String
38PHP Program to Convert a String into Number
39PHP Program to Extract Numbers from String
40PHP Program to Convert Uppercase String to Lowercase
41PHP Program to Convert an Integer Into a String
42PHP Program to String Comparison using == vs strcmp() Function
43PHP Program to Sort Array of Strings in Natural and Standard Orders
44PHP Program to Print All the Values of an Array
45PHP Program to Create Comma Separated List from an Array
46PHP Program to Check for Empty String
47PHP Program to Append a String
48PHP Program to Remove All White Spaces from a String
49PHP Program to Converting String to Date and DateTime
50PHP Program to Count the Number of Words in a String
51PHP Program to Convert String to Boolean
52PHP Program to Get a Variable Name as a String
53PHP Program to Convert DateTime to String
54PHP Program to Remove New Lines from String
55PHP Program to Get String Between Two Characters
56PHP Program to Remove White Spaces from Beginning/End of a String
57PHP Program to Check if All Characters are Lowercase
58PHP Program to Removing Occurrences of a Specific Character from End of a String
59PHP Program to Convert Lowercase String to Uppercase
60PHP Program to Convert First Character of All Words Uppercase
61PHP Program to Find the Number of Sub-string Occurrences
62PHP Program to Create a String by Joining the Array Elements

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