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PostgreSQL REVERSE() Function

Last Updated : 13 Sep, 2024
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The REVERSE() function in PostgreSQL is a simple yet powerful tool used to reverse the order of characters in a given string. It takes one input which is a string and returns the characters in reverse order.

This function is helpful when you need to transform data, run tests or validate information. Whether you're checking how string processing works or just experimenting with text, REVERSE() function offers an easy way to flip the characters in your PostgreSQL queries.

REVERSE() Function in PostgreSQL

PostgreSQL REVERSE() function is designed for quick and efficient manipulation of strings. It allows you to easily reverse any text-based value, making it useful for tasks like data transformation, troubleshooting, or even playful experimentation with string formats. Unlike more complex string manipulation functions, REVERSE() is straightforward, focusing solely on inverting the character sequence of the input.

This function can be applied to both static string values and dynamic data stored in database columns, making it versatile for a range of use cases.



Key Term:

  • string: The input string whose characters you want to reverse. This should be a text or character type expression.
  • The function returns the input string with its characters in reverse order. This simple syntax allows you to apply the REVERSE() function easily within SELECT statements or other PostgreSQL operations.

Examples of PostgreSQL REVERSE() Function

Below are several examples that demonstrate how the REVERSE() function works, from basic usage to more complex scenarios involving table data and palindromes.

Example 1: Basic PostgreSQL REVERSE()

In this query, the input string 'PostgreSQL' is passed to the REVERSE() function. The function processes the string and returns 'LQSGERtoP', which is the reverse of the input.

This example highlights the basic usage of the REVERSE() function, showing how it can be used to reverse a hardcoded string.


SELECT REVERSE('PostgreSQL') AS reversed_string;




'LQSGERtoP' This code processes the input string using the REVERSE() function and returns the string with characters in reverse order. In the output, it is labeled as reversed_string. This is the basic usage of the REVERSE() function, where a hardcoded string has been used.

Example 2: PostgreSQL REVERSE() Function with Table Data

The REVERSE() function is not limited to hardcoded strings; it can also be applied to data in table columns. In this example, we use the REVERSE() function to reverse the values of strings stored in a table.

A table called messages is formed with two columns: id which is a serial primary key, text_message and a variable character field.


CREATE TABLE messages (
text_message VARCHAR(255)

INSERT INTO messages (text_message) VALUES
('Hello World'),
('PostgreSQL is awesome'),
('Reverse me');

SELECT text_message, REVERSE(text_message) AS reversed_message
FROM messages;


Hello WorlddlroW olleH
PostgreSQL is awesomeemosewa si LQSGERtoP
Reverse meem esreveR


In this example, we have created a table called messages with a column text_message and inserted three rows with different string values.

The REVERSE() function is applied to the text_message column, generating a new column reversed_message that contains the reversed version of the original string. This is a practical use case where REVERSE() can manipulate text stored in a database.

Example3: REVERSE() Function to Detect Palindromes

The REVERSE() function can also be used to detect palindromes (words or phrases that read the same forwards and backwards). By comparing the original string to its reversed version, you can check if the two are identical.


WITH palindrome_check AS (
SELECT 'racecar' AS word
SELECT 'hello'
SELECT 'madam'
SELECT word,
REVERSE(word) AS reversed_word,
CASE WHEN word = REVERSE(word)
THEN 'Yes'
END AS is_palindrome
FROM palindrome_check;




In this example, we created a temporary dataset palindrome_check that contains several words. Using the REVERSE() function, we generate the reversed version of each word and compare it with the original.

If the two are the same, the word is identified as a palindrome. This demonstrates how the REVERSE() function can be used in practical scenarios like palindrome detection.


The PostgreSQL REVERSE() function provides a simple and effective way to reverse the order of characters in a string. Whether you're working with basic string reversal, processing table data, or performing more complex operations like palindrome detection, the function is highly versatile and easy to implement.

Its ability to manipulate strings makes it useful for data transformation, formatting, and validation tasks. By incorporating REVERSE() into your queries, you can add flexibility and efficiency to your PostgreSQL string handling processes.


What does the REVERSE() function do?

It reverses the string, i.e., the order of the characters in the string.

How to Reverse a String in PostgreSQL?


Which of the following describes what SQL's REVERSE() function does?

REVERSE is a function that reverses the character sequence of a string in SQL databases that support this function.

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