In PostgreSQL, the REVOKE statement plays a crucial role in managing database security by removing previously granted privileges from roles or users.
Let us better understand the REVOKE Statement in PostgreSQL from this article.
The following shows the syntax of the REVOKE statement:
REVOKE privilege | ALL
ON TABLE tbl_name | ALL TABLES IN SCHEMA schema_name
FROM role_name;
Let’s analyze the above syntax:
- Privilege: Specify the privileges that are to be revoked. Use the ALL option to revoke all previously granted privileges.
- Table Specification: Then, set the name of the table after the ON keyword.
- Role: Finally, specify the name of the role whose privileges are to be revoked.
PostgreSQL REVOKE Statement Example
Let us look into an example of REVOKE statement in PostgreSQL.
1. Log into PostgreSQL
First, log into the dvdrental sample database as Postgres:
psql -U postgres -d dvdrental
2. Create a Role
Now initialize a role called ‘abhishek‘ with the LOGIN and PASSWORD attributes as shown below:
CREATE ROLE abhishek
PASSWORD 'geeks12345';
3. Grant Privileges
Now grant all privileges on the ‘film’ table to the role ‘abhishek‘ as shown below:
ON film
TO abhishek;
Now provide the SELECT privilege on the actor table to the role ‘abhishek‘ as shown below:
ON actor
TO abhishek;
4. Revoke Specific Privileges
Here we will revoke the SELECT privilege on the ‘actor’ table from the role ‘abhishek‘, as shown below:
ON actor
FROM abhishek;
5. Revoke All Privileges
If you wish to revoke all privileges on the film table from the role ‘abhishek‘, make use of the REVOKE statement with the ALL option as shown below:
ON film
FROM abhishek;
Important Points About PostgreSQL REVOKE Statement
- Revoking privileges does not affect existing data in the database but prevents the role from performing actions (like querying or modifying data) as specified by the revoked privileges.
- The REVOKE command can only remove privileges that were previously granted to the role.
- If a role has been granted privileges through other roles (i.e., role hierarchies), revoking privileges from the parent role may affect child roles as well.
- If you attempt to revoke privileges that a role does not have, PostgreSQL will not produce an error; the command will simply have no effect.