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Power BI – Add Data Bars to Table

Last Updated : 05 Feb, 2023
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Power Bi Data Bars may be a really powerful feature for visualizing values in a range of cells. supported some conditions, it can facilitate your highlighting of the cells or data range in a worksheet. 

Power BI – Add Data Bars to Table

Power Bi Data Bars feature is a kind of conditional formatting option that combines Data and a Bar Chart inside the cell. This tool indicates the share of the selected value or where the selected data resides on the bars inside the cell.

Creating a Simple Table

Import the table from Your Excel to Power BI.

Home Tab-> Get Data -> Choose Data which you want Example Excel
-> Select the file and Open -> Select The sheet and Load


To create a Table steps are:

Visualizations ->Build Visuals ->Table -> Resize if Needed 


Click on Fields -> Click the Checkbox of the column to be added to the table


To apply data bars click on cell elements under visuals


Under cell, element select the column in which the databar is required


Select the databar and make it ‘on’


To change the color of the databar select the icon below




To give a custom value to data bars


Table after customizing the databar


To arrange columns in descending order click on the arrow shown below


Tips for adding data bars in Power Bi

Here are some additional tips you’ll follow when you are adding bars in power Bi:

  • Data bars only work with quantitative data: Data bars measure values, so if a cell has text in it or doesn’t have worth, you’ll have trouble formatting it.
  • Data bars axis: Data bars extend from the left side of the cell by default, although you can change it to the right also.
  • Data bars can show negative values as well: If your table has positive and negative values in it, your data bar may increase in size to supply room, for the negative values data bar to extend to the left.
  • Less variation is simpler to see: Data bars work best in groups of data where the ranges are within 100 units of each other. If the ranges are too broad, the info bars may be hard to interpret.

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