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Presentational and Container Components in React Redux

Last Updated : 09 Feb, 2024
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React Redux is a library that simplifies state management in React applications by providing a centralized store where data can be stored and accessed from any component. It helps keep your code organized and efficient, especially in large-scale projects where the managing state becomes more complex. With React Redux, you can easily connect your React components to the store and update the UI in response to changes in the application state.

Presentational Components:

  • These components are primarily concerned with how things look. They encapsulate the visual representation of your application's UI.
  • They receive data and callbacks from their parent components via props, but they are not aware of where this data comes from or how it's managed.
  • Presentational components are typically stateless functional components or simple class components with minimal logic.
  • Examples include buttons, form inputs, cards, and other UI elements.

Container Components:

  • These components are responsible for how things work. They interact with the Redux store and manage the application's state and logic.
  • Container components are often connected to the Redux store using the connect function from React Redux, which allows them to access state and dispatch actions.
  • They handle data fetching, state updates, and dispatching actions in response to user interactions or other events.
  • Container components contain little to no markup or styling of their own, focusing solely on the application's functionality.
  • Examples include pages, screens, and components that orchestrate the behavior of multiple presentational components.

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