Print all Palindromic Partitions of a String using Bit Manipulation
Given a string, find all possible palindromic partitions of a given string.
Note that this problem is different from Palindrome Partitioning Problem, there the task was to find the partitioning with minimum cuts in input string. Here we need to print all possible partitions.
Input: nitin
Output: n i t i n
n iti n
nitinInput: geeks
Output: g e e k s
g ee k s
Please refer Print all Palindromic Partitions of a String using Backtracking for Backtracking approach for this problem.
Print all Palindromic Partitions Using Bit Manipulation
The idea is to consider the space between two characters in the string.
- If there n characters in the string, then there are n-1 positions to put a space or say cut the string.
- Each of these positions can be given a binary number 1 (If a cut is made in this position) or 0 (If no cut is made in this position).
- This will give a total of 2n-1 partitions and for each partition check whether this partition is palindrome or not.
Input : geeks
=> ["ge","eks"] (not valid)
=> ["g","ee","k","s"] (valid)
=> ["g","e","e","k","s"] (valid)
=> ["geeks"] (not valid)
Below is the implementation of the idea.
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
class GFG {
vector<vector<string> > ans;
// Checks whether a Partition of string is palindrome or
// not.
bool checkPalindrome(vector<string> currPartition)
for (auto s : currPartition) {
int n = s.size();
int i = 0, j = n - 1;
while (i < j) {
if (s[i] != s[j])
return false;
return true;
// Generates partition of a string according to
// bitString.
void generatePartition(string& s, string& bitString)
vector<string> currPartition;
string subString;
for (int i = 0; i < bitString.size(); i++) {
// If current character of bitString is '0' no
// cut will be made and next character will be
// included in the current subString
if (bitString[i] == '0') {
// no cut is made so next character is added
// to substring
subString.push_back(s[i + 1]);
// If current character of bitString is '1' then
// a cut will be made and current subString will
// be appended in current Partition and new
// subString will start from next position.
else {
// subString is added to current Partition.
// New substring is created starting from
// next position of string s.
subString.push_back(s[i + 1]);
if (checkPalindrome(currPartition)) {
// Recursive function to generate all the bitStrings
// which will denote the positions in which string will
// be cut.
void bitManipulation(string& s, string& bitString)
// When a bitString is generated generatePartition()
// will be called to partition the string
// accordingly.
if (bitString.size() == s.size() - 1) {
generatePartition(s, bitString);
bitManipulation(s, bitString);
bitManipulation(s, bitString);
// Return all the palindromic partition of string s.
vector<vector<string> > Partition(string s)
string bitString;
bitManipulation(s, bitString);
return ans;
int main()
GFG ob;
// Stores all the partition
vector<vector<string> > ans;
string s = "geeks";
ans = ob.Partition(s);
for (auto& v : ans) {
for (auto& it : v) {
cout << it << " ";
cout << "\n";
return 0;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
class GFG {
List<List<String>> ans = new ArrayList<>();
// Checks whether a Partition of string is palindrome or not.
boolean checkPalindrome(List<String> currPartition) {
for (String s : currPartition) {
int n = s.length();
int i = 0, j = n - 1;
while (i < j) {
if (s.charAt(i) != s.charAt(j))
return false;
return true;
// Generates partition of a string according to bitString.
void generatePartition(String s, String bitString) {
List<String> currPartition = new ArrayList<>();
StringBuilder subString = new StringBuilder();
for (int i = 0; i < bitString.length(); i++) {
// If current character of bitString is '0' no cut will be made
// and next character will be included in the current subString
if (bitString.charAt(i) == '0') {
// no cut is made so next character is added to substring
subString.append(s.charAt(i + 1));
// If current character of bitString is '1' then
// a cut will be made and current subString will
// be appended in current Partition and new
// subString will start from next position.
else {
// subString is added to current Partition.
// New substring is created starting from
// next position of string s.
subString.append(s.charAt(i + 1));
if (checkPalindrome(currPartition)) {
// Recursive function to generate all the bitStrings
// which will denote the positions in which string will
// be cut.
void bitManipulation(String s, String bitString) {
// When a bitString is generated generatePartition()
// will be called to partition the string
// accordingly.
if (bitString.length() == s.length() - 1) {
generatePartition(s, bitString);
bitString += '1';
bitManipulation(s, bitString);
bitString = bitString.substring(0, bitString.length() - 1);
bitString += '0';
bitManipulation(s, bitString);
bitString = bitString.substring(0, bitString.length() - 1);
// Return all the palindromic partition of string s.
List<List<String>> partition(String s) {
String bitString = "";
bitManipulation(s, bitString);
return ans;
public static void main(String[] args) {
GFG ob = new GFG();
// Stores all the partition
List<List<String>> ans;
String s = "geeks";
ans = ob.partition(s);
for (List<String> v : ans) {
for (String it : v) {
System.out.print(it + " ");
class PalindromePartition:
def __init__(self):
self.ans = []
def check_palindrome(self, curr_partition):
for s in curr_partition:
n = len(s)
i, j = 0, n - 1
while i < j:
if s[i] != s[j]:
return False
i += 1
j -= 1
return True
def generate_partition(self, s, bit_string):
curr_partition = []
sub_string = s[0]
for i in range(len(bit_string)):
# If current character of bitString is '0', no cut will be made,
# and the next character will be included in the current subString.
if bit_string[i] == '0':
# No cut is made, so the next character is added to the substring.
sub_string += s[i + 1]
# If the current character of bitString is '1', then a cut will be made,
# and the current subString will be appended in the current partition,
# and a new subString will start from the next position.
# SubString is added to the current partition.
# New substring is created starting from the next position of the string s.
sub_string = s[i + 1]
if self.check_palindrome(curr_partition):
def bit_manipulation(self, s, bit_string):
# When a bitString is generated, generate_partition() will be called
# to partition the string accordingly.
if len(bit_string) == len(s) - 1:
self.generate_partition(s, bit_string)
bit_string += '1'
self.bit_manipulation(s, bit_string)
bit_string = bit_string[:-1] # Pop the last character
bit_string += '0'
self.bit_manipulation(s, bit_string)
def partition(self, s):
bit_string = ""
self.bit_manipulation(s, bit_string)
return self.ans
if __name__ == "__main__":
ob = PalindromePartition()
s = "geeks"
ans = ob.partition(s)
for v in ans:
print(" ".join(v))
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
class GFG
private List<List<string>> ans = new List<List<string>>();
// Checks whether a Partition of
//string is palindrome or not.
private bool CheckPalindrome(List<string> currPartition)
foreach (var s in currPartition)
int n = s.Length;
int i = 0, j = n - 1;
while (i < j)
if (s[i] != s[j])
return false;
return true;
// Generates partition of a string
// according to bitString.
private void GeneratePartition(string s, string bitString)
List<string> currPartition = new List<string>();
string subString = s[0].ToString();
for (int i = 0; i < bitString.Length; i++)
if (bitString[i] == '0')
subString += s[i + 1];
// If current character of bitString is '1', a cut will be made,
// and the current subString will be appended in the current Partition,
// and a new subString will start from the next position.
// subString is added to current Partition.
subString = "";
// New substring is created starting from the next position of string s.
subString += s[i + 1];
if (CheckPalindrome(currPartition))
// Recursive function to generate all the bitStrings
// which will denote the positions in which string will be cut.
private void BitManipulation(string s, string bitString)
if (bitString.Length == s.Length - 1)
GeneratePartition(s, bitString);
bitString += '1';
BitManipulation(s, bitString);
bitString = bitString.Remove(bitString.Length - 1);
bitString += '0';
BitManipulation(s, bitString);
bitString = bitString.Remove(bitString.Length - 1);
// Return all the palindromic
// partitions of string s.
public List<List<string>> Partition(string s)
string bitString = "";
BitManipulation(s, bitString);
return ans;
class Geek
static void Main()
GFG ob = new GFG();
// Stores all the partitions
List<List<string>> ans;
string s = "geeks";
ans = ob.Partition(s);
foreach (var v in ans)
foreach (var it in v)
Console.Write(it + " ");
class GFG {
constructor() {
this.ans = [];
// Checks whether a Partition of string is palindrome or not.
checkPalindrome(currPartition) {
for (const s of currPartition) {
const n = s.length;
let i = 0, j = n - 1;
while (i < j) {
if (s.charAt(i) !== s.charAt(j))
return false;
return true;
// Generates partition of a string according to bitString.
generatePartition(s, bitString) {
const currPartition = [];
let subString = s.charAt(0);
for (let i = 0; i < bitString.length; i++) {
// If current character of bitString is '0' no cut will be made
// and next character will be included in the current subString
if (bitString.charAt(i) === '0') {
// no cut is made so next character is added to substring
subString += s.charAt(i + 1);
// If current character of bitString is '1' then
// a cut will be made and current subString will
// be appended in current Partition and new
// subString will start from next position.
else {
// subString is added to current Partition.
subString = '';
// New substring is created starting from
// next position of string s.
subString += s.charAt(i + 1);
if (this.checkPalindrome(currPartition)) {
// Recursive function to generate all the bitStrings
// which will denote the positions in which string will
// be cut.
bitManipulation(s, bitString) {
// When a bitString is generated generatePartition()
// will be called to partition the string
// accordingly.
if (bitString.length === s.length - 1) {
this.generatePartition(s, bitString);
bitString += '1';
this.bitManipulation(s, bitString);
bitString = bitString.substring(0, bitString.length - 1);
bitString += '0';
this.bitManipulation(s, bitString);
bitString = bitString.substring(0, bitString.length - 1);
// Return all the palindromic partition of string s.
partition(s) {
let bitString = '';
this.bitManipulation(s, bitString);
return this.ans;
// Create an instance of the GFG class
const ob = new GFG();
// Stores all the partition
let ans;
const s = 'geeks';
ans = ob.partition(s);
// Print the results on the same line
for (const v of ans) {
let line = '';
for (const it of v) {
line += it + ' ';
g e e k s g ee k s
Time complexity: O(n*2n), n is size of the string.
Auxiliary Space: O(2n), to store all possible partition of string.