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Python calendar module : leapdays() method

Last Updated : 01 May, 2023
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Calendar module allows to output calendars like program, and provides additional useful functions related to the calendar. Functions and classes defined in Calendar module use an idealized calendar, the current Gregorian calendar extended indefinitely in both directions. In Python, calendar.leapdays() is a function provided in calendar module for simple text calendars. leapdays() method is used to get number of leap years in a specified range of years.

Syntax: leapdays()
year1, year2:  years to get the number of leap years.

Returns: Returns number of leap years in a specified range.

Code #1: 


# Python program to explain working of leapdays() method
# importing calendar module
import calendar
# checking number of leap years in range
print(calendar.leapdays(2016, 2022))
print(calendar.leapdays(2001, 2003))



  Code #2: Explaining working of leapdays() method. Below code prints number of leap years and 1st-month calendar of last leap year if any leap year found in given range, otherwise notifies no year is leap. 


# Python code to demonstrate the working of leapdays()
# importing calendar module for calendar operations
import calendar
year1 = 2005
year2 = 2025
# calling leapdays() method to verify
val = str(calendar.leapdays(year1, year2))
print("Number of leap years found is % s" % val)
count = 0
# checking the condition is True or not
for year in range(year1, year2):
    val = calendar.isleap(year)
    if val == True:
        lyear = year
        count += 1
if count >= 1:
    # print 1st month of first leap year
    calendar.prmonth(lyear, 1, 2, 1)
# Returned False, year is not a leap
    print("No leap year found")


Number of leap years found is 5
    January 2024
Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su
 1  2  3  4  5  6  7
 8  9 10 11 12 13 14
15 16 17 18 19 20 21
22 23 24 25 26 27 28
29 30 31

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