Python counter and dictionary intersection example (Make a string using deletion and rearrangement)
Last Updated :
21 Aug, 2022
Given two strings, find if we can make first string from second by deleting some characters from second and rearranging remaining characters.
Input : s1 = ABHISHEKsinGH : s2 = gfhfBHkooIHnfndSHEKsiAnG Output : Possible Input : s1 = Hello : s2 = dnaKfhelddf Output : Not Possible Input : s1 = GeeksforGeeks : s2 = rteksfoGrdsskGeggehes Output : Possible
We have existing solution for this problem please refer Make a string from another by deletion and rearrangement of characters link. We will this problem quickly in python. Approach is very simple,
- Convert both string into dictionary using Counter(iterable) method, each dictionary contains characters within string as Key and their frequencies as Value.
- Now take intersection of two dictionaries and compare resultant output with dictionary of first string, if both are equal that means it is possible to convert string otherwise not.
# Python code to find if we can make first string # from second by deleting some characters from # second and rearranging remaining characters. from collections import Counter def makeString(str1,str2): # convert both strings into dictionaries # output will be like str1="aabbcc", # dict1={'a':2,'b':2,'c':2} # str2 = 'abbbcc', dict2={'a':1,'b':3,'c':2} dict1 = Counter(str1) dict2 = Counter(str2) # take intersection of two dictionaries # output will be result = {'a':1,'b':2,'c':2} result = dict1 & dict2 # compare resultant dictionary with first # dictionary comparison first compares keys # and then compares their corresponding values return result = = dict1 # Driver program if __name__ = = "__main__" : str1 = 'ABHISHEKsinGH' str2 = 'gfhfBHkooIHnfndSHEKsiAnG' if (makeString(str1,str2) = = True ): print ( "Possible" ) else : print ( "Not Possible" ) |
Time Complexity: O(n)
Auxiliary Space: O(1)