Python program to find difference between current time and given time
Given two times h1:m1 and h2:m2 denoting hours and minutes in 24 hours clock format. The current clock time is given by h1:m1. The task is to calculate the difference between two times in minutes and print the difference between two times in h:m format.
Input : h1=7, m1=20, h2=9, m2=45 Output : 2 : 25 The current time is 7 : 20 and given time is 9 : 45. The difference between them is 145 minutes. The result is 2 : 25 after converting to h : m format. Input : h1=15, m1=23, h2=18, m2=54 Output : 3 : 31 The current time is 15 : 23 and given time is 18 : 54. The difference between them is 211 minutes. The result is 3 : 31 after converting to h : m format. Input : h1=16, m1=20, h2=16, m2=20 Output : Both times are same The current time is 16 : 20 and given time is also 16 : 20. The difference between them is 0 minutes. As the difference is 0, we are printing “Both are same times”.
- Convert both the times into minutes
- Find the difference in minutes
- Ff difference is 0, print “Both are same times”
- Else convert difference into h : m format and print
Below is the implementation.
# Python program to find the
# difference between two times
# function to obtain the time
# in minutes form
def difference(h1, m1, h2, m2):
# convert h1 : m1 into
# minutes
t1 = h1 * 60 + m1
# convert h2 : m2 into
# minutes
t2 = h2 * 60 + m2
if (t1 == t2):
print("Both are same times")
# calculating the difference
diff = t2-t1
# calculating hours from
# difference
h = (int(diff / 60)) % 24
# calculating minutes from
# difference
m = diff % 60
print(h, ":", m)
# Driver's code
if __name__ == "__main__":
difference(7, 20, 9, 45)
difference(15, 23, 18, 54)
difference(16, 20, 16, 20)
# This code is contributed by SrujayReddy
2 : 25
3 : 31
Both are same times
Time complexity: O(1) – the function only performs basic arithmetic operations which take constant time.
Auxiliary space: O(1) – the function uses a constant amount of memory to store the input variables, local variables, and output.