Python String count() Method
Last Updated :
06 Nov, 2024
The count() method in Python returns the number of times a specified substring appears in a string. It is commonly used in string analysis to quickly check how often certain characters or words appear.
Let’s start with a simple example of using count().
s = "hello world"
res = s.count("o")
Explanation: The letter “o” appears twice in the string “hello world”, so count() returns 2.
Table of Content
Syntax of count() Method
string.count(substring, start = 0, end = len(s))
- substring (required): The substring we want to count within the original string.
- start (optional): The index position in the string where the search should begin. Default is 0.
- end (optional): The index position in the string where the search should stop. Default is the length of the string (i.e., up to the end).
Return Type
- The count() method returns an integer representing the number of times the specified substring appears within the given range of the string.
Example of count() Method
Here are a few examples of count() method for better understanding.
Counting Words in String
s = "Python is fun and Python is powerful."
Finding Character Frequency in String
s = "GeeksforGeeks"
Count Substring Occurrences with Start and End parameter
s = "apple banana apple grape apple"
substring = "apple"
# Using start and end parameters to count occurrences
# of "apple" within a specific range
res = s.count(substring, 1, 20)
Explanation: We set start=1 and end=20, so count() method will search for “apple” from the beginning up to index 20.
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- Count occurrences of a character in string in Python
- Program to count occurrence of a given character in a string
- Ways to count number of substring in string in Python