Python – Write “GFG” using Turtle Graphics
Last Updated :
03 Jun, 2020
IN this article we will learn how to write “GFG” using Turtle Graphics in Python. For that lets first know what is Turtle Graphics.
Turtle graphics
- backward(length): moves the pen in the backward direction by x unit.
- right(angle): rotate the pen in the clockwise direction by an angle x.
- left(angle): rotate the pen in the anticlockwise direction by an angle x.
- penup(): stop drawing of the turtle pen.
- pendown(): start drawing of the turtle pen.
- import the turtle modules.
import turtle
- Get a screen to draw on
- Define an instance for turtle.
- for printing G we have to make a semicircle and then complete it by rotating the turtle and moving it forward.
- Then for F move pen up using penup() , then goto() to desired coordinates, then pen it down for drawing using pendown() and draw F.
- for remaining G go to other coordinates and do same as done for 1st G.
Below is the python implementation for the above approach:
#python program for printing "GFG" #importing turtle modules import turtle #setting up workscreen ws = turtle.Screen() #defining turtle instance t = turtle.Turtle() #turtle pen will be of "GREEN" color t.color( "Green" ) #setting width of pen t.width( 3 ) #for printing letter "G" for x in range ( 180 ): t.backward( 1 ) t.left( 1 ) t.right( 90 ) t.forward( 50 ) t.right( 90 ) t.forward( 30 ) t.right( 90 ) t.forward( 50 ) #for printing letter "F" t.penup() t.goto( 40 , 0 ) t.pendown() t.forward( 110 ) t.goto( 40 , 0 ) t.left( 90 ) t.forward( 50 ) t.penup() t.goto( 40 , - 50 ) t.pendown() t.forward( 40 ) #for printing letter "G" t.penup() t.goto( 150 , 0 ) t.pendown() for x in range ( 180 ): t.backward( 1 ) t.left( 1 ) t.right( 90 ) t.forward( 50 ) t.right( 90 ) t.forward( 30 ) t.right( 90 ) t.forward( 50 ) |