React Introduction
ReactJS is a component-based JavaScript library used to build dynamic and interactive user interfaces. It simplifies the creation of single-page applications (SPAs) with a focus on performance and maintainability.
- It is developed and maintained by Facebook.
- Uses a virtual DOM for faster updates.
- Supports a declarative approach to designing UI components.
- Ensures better application control with one-way data binding.
How does React work?
React operates by creating an in-memory virtual DOM rather than directly manipulating the browser’s DOM. It performs necessary manipulations within this virtual representation before applying changes to the actual browser DOM.

How does React work
Here’s how the process works
1. Actual DOM and Virtual DOM
- Initially, there is an Actual DOM(Real DOM) containing a div with two child elements: h1 and h2.
- React maintains a previous Virtual DOM to track the UI state before any updates.
2. Detecting Changes
- When a change occurs (e.g., adding a new h3 element), React generates a New Virtual DOM.
- React compares the previous Virtual DOM with the New Virtual DOM using a process called reconciliation.
3. Efficient DOM Update
- React identifies the differences (in this case, the new h3 element).
- Instead of updating the entire DOM, React updates only the changed part in the New Actual DOM, making the update process more efficient.
History of React
- React was developed by Facebook in 2011 to improve the performance of their applications and was officially released as an open-source library in 2013.
- It was designed to create dynamic, fast, and responsive user interfaces for web applications by focusing on the view layer.
- React introduced concepts like components (reusable UI pieces) and the virtual DOM (a lightweight copy of the real DOM) for optimizing UI updates
- React is now a widely used framework for building modern web and mobile apps, supported by a strong community and major companies.
For more details Read the article – History and Evolution of React
To deepen your knowledge and gain hands-on experience, consider enrolling in the React JS Course offered by GeeksforGeeks. This comprehensive course builds upon the foundational concepts discussed in the introduction, offering in-depth tutorials and practical applications. You’ll learn how to implement features, optimize performance, and manage application state, ensuring that you are well-prepared for real-world development challenges.
Features of React
React is one of the most demanding JavaScript librarys because it is equipped with a ton of features which makes it faster and production-ready. Below are the few features of React.
1. Virtual DOM
React uses a Virtual DOM to optimize UI rendering. Instead of updating the entire real DOM directly, React:
- Creates a lightweight copy of the DOM (Virtual DOM).
- Compares it with the previous version to detect changes (diffing).
- Updates only the changed parts in the actual DOM (reconciliation), improving performance.
2. Component-Based Architecture
React follows a component-based approach, where the UI is broken down into reusable components. These components:
- Can be functional or class-based.
- Allow code reusability, maintainability, and scalability.
3. JSX (JavaScript XML)
React uses JSX, a syntax extension that allows developers to write HTML inside JavaScript. JSX makes the code:
- More readable and expressive.
- Easier to understand and debug.
4. One-Way Data Binding
React uses one-way data binding, meaning data flows in a single direction from parent components to child components via props. This provides better control over data and helps maintain predictable behavior.
5. State Management
React manages component state efficiently using the useState hook (for functional components) or this.state (for class components). State allows dynamic updates without reloading the page.
6. React Hooks
Hooks allow functional components to use state and lifecycle features without needing class components. Common hooks include:
- useState: for managing local state.
- useEffect: for handling side effects like API calls.
- useContext: for global state management.
7. React Router
React provides React Router for managing navigation in single-page applications (SPAs). It enables dynamic routing without requiring full-page reloads.
ReactJS Lifecycle
Every React Component has a lifecycle of its own, lifecycle of a component can be defined as the series of methods that are invoked in different stages of the component’s existence. React automatically calls these methods at different points in a component’s life cycle. Understanding these phases helps manage state, perform side effects, and optimize components effectively.
1. Initialization
This is the stage where the component is constructed with the given Props and default state. This is done in the constructor of a Component Class.
2. Mounting Phase
- Constructor: The constructor method initializes the component. It’s where you set up initial state and bind event handlers.
- render(): This method returns the JSX representation of the component. It’s called during initial rendering and subsequent updates.
- componentDidMount(): After the component is inserted into the DOM, this method is invoked. Use it for side effects like data fetching or setting timers.
3. Updating Phase
- componentDidUpdate(prevProps, prevState): Called after the component updates due to new props or state changes. Handle side effects here.
- shouldComponentUpdate(nextProps, nextState): Determines if the component should re-render. Optimize performance by customizing this method.
- render(): Again, the render() method reflects changes in state or props during updates.
4. Unmounting Phase
- componentWillUnmount(): Invoked just before the component is removed from the DOM. Clean up resources (e.g., event listeners, timers).
For More detail read the article – React Lifecycle Methods
React Introduction- FAQ’s
Is React a framework or library?
It is very confusing to a lot of people that if React is a framework of a library. React is considered as a library rather than a framework. While in the framework there is a controlled way of structure to write the code whether in library you are free to write without any structural restriction.
How do I Start Learning React?
React has a large community that keeps updating all the concepts of React. You just need to follow proper step by step roadmap to learn React and keep hands on practice on it.
You can follow our React Tutorial that covers all the topics of React from basic to pro in step wise manner.
What is JSX?
JSX, which stands for JavaScript XML, is a syntax extension for JavaScript. ReactJS uses an XML or HTML-like syntax, which is then transformed into React Framework JavaScript calls. Essentially, JSX expands ES6 to allow HTML-like text to coexist with JavaScript React code. Although it is not mandatory to use JSX in ReactJS, it is highly recommended.
const example = “JSX” const ele = <div>This component uses {example} </div>
Is React Beginner Friendly?
Yes, React is very simple and beginner friendly. It just uses JavaScript and JSX to create the Single page Application. If you have the basic knowledge of HTML, CSS and JavaScript you are good to go to dive deep into the React world.