Ruby Programming Language
Last Updated :
12 Jun, 2024
Ruby is a dynamic, reflective, object-oriented, general-purpose programming language. Ruby is a pure Object-Oriented language developed by Yukihiro Matsumoto. Everything in Ruby is an object except the blocks but there are replacements too for it i.e procs and lambda. The objective of Ruby’s development was to make it act as a sensible buffer between human programmers and the underlying computing machinery.
Table of Content
- Ruby For Beginners
- Ruby Programming Language (Introduction)
- Comparison of Java with other programming languages
- Similarities and Differences between Ruby and C language
- Similarities and Differences between Ruby and C++
- Environment Setup in Ruby
- How to install Ruby on Linux?
- How to install Ruby on Windows?
- Interesting facts about Ruby Programming Language
- Ruby | Keywords
- Ruby | Data Types
- Ruby Basic Syntax
- Hello World in Ruby
- Ruby | Types of Variables
- Global Variable in Ruby
- Comments in Ruby
- Ruby | Ranges
- Ruby Literals
- Ruby Directories
- Ruby | Operators
- Operator Precedence in Ruby
- Operator Overloading in Ruby
- Ruby | Pre-define Variables & Constants
- Ruby | unless Statement and unless Modifier
Control Statements
- Ruby | Decision Making (if, if-else, if-else-if, ternary) | Set – 1
- Ruby | Loops (for, while, do..while, until)
- Ruby | Case Statement
- Ruby | Control Flow Alteration
- Ruby Break and Next Statement
- Ruby redo and retry Statement
- BEGIN and END Blocks In Ruby
- File Handling in Ruby
- Ruby | Methods
- Method Visibility in Ruby
- Recursion in Ruby
- Ruby Hook Methods
- Ruby | Range Class Methods
- The Initialize Method in Ruby
- Ruby | Method overriding
- Ruby Date and Time
OOP Concepts
- Object-Oriented Programming in Ruby | Set 1
- Object Oriented Programming in Ruby | Set-2
- Ruby | Class & Object
- Private Classes in Ruby
- Freezing Objects | Ruby
- Ruby | Inheritance
- Polymorphism in Ruby
- Ruby | Constructors
- Ruby | Access Control
- Ruby | Encapsulation
- Ruby Mixins
- Instance Variables in Ruby
- Data Abstraction in Ruby
- Ruby Static Members
- Ruby | Exceptions
- Ruby | Exception handling
- Catch and Throw Exception In Ruby
- Raising Exceptions in Ruby
- Ruby | Exception Handling in Threads | Set – 1
- Ruby | Exception Class and its Methods
Ruby Regex
Ruby Classes
- Ruby | Float Class
- Ruby | Integer Class
- Ruby | Symbol Class
- Ruby | Struct Class
- Ruby | Dir Class and its methods
- Ruby | MatchData Class
Ruby Module
- Ruby | Arrays
- Ruby | String Basics
- Ruby | String Interpolation
- Ruby | Hashes Basics
- Ruby | Hash Class
- Ruby | Blocks
Ruby Threading
- Ruby | Introduction to Multi-threading
- Ruby | Thread Class-Public Class Methods
- Ruby | Thread Life Cycle & Its States