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Scala | Methods to Call on a Map | Set-1

Last Updated : 29 Mar, 2019
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Prerequisite- Scala Map.

In Scala there are foremost Methods to call on a Map. A Scala Method is a section of a class which has a designation, a signature, optionally a few annotations, and whatsoever byte-code. A function which is interpreted as a member of some Object is termed as a Method and the Map Method is exactly incorporated with Collections furthermore it is a member of a Traversable trait which is executed by the Collection Classes of Scala (Traversable explicates numerous concrete Methods).

The most predominant Methods to call on a Scala Map are as follows:

  • def ++(xs: Map[(A, B)]): Map[A, B]
    This Method is utilized to Concatenate two or more Maps. In Concatenating Maps it will separate the identical keys.

    // Scala program to concatenate two Map
    // Creating Object
    object GFG 
        // Main method
        def main(args: Array[String]) 
            // Creating maps
            val group1 = Map("Nidhi" -> 23, "Rahul" -> 18)
            val group2 = Map("Geeta" -> 22, "Rahul" -> 18)
            // using ++ as a method
            val concatenate = group1.++(group2)
            // Displays concatenated map
            println( "Concatenation is: " + concatenate)



    Concatenation is: Map(Nidhi -> 23, Rahul -> 18, Geeta -> 22)

    Here, the key “Rahul” is present in both the Map, so while Concatenating two Map, the similar one is removed.

  • def -(elem1: A, elem2: A, elems: A*): Map[A, B]
    This method is utilized to delete the set of keys present in the arguments. So, it returns a new map containing all the elements of this Map except these arguments.

    // Scala program to delete keys
    // Creating object
    object GFG
        // Main method
        def main(args: Array[String]) 
            // Creating mutable map 
            val m = scala.collection.mutable.Map[String, Int]("Geeta" -> 21, "Nidhi" -> 23
            // using <b>-</b> as a method
            val c = m.-("Geeta")
            // Displays a new map
            println( "The new Map returns: " + c)



    The new Map returns: Map(Nidhi -> 23)

    Thus, the new map contains only “Nidhi” and “Geeta” is deleted.

  • def get(key: A): Option[B]
    This method is utilized to return the keys corresponding to the values given in the method as argument.

    // Scala program to get values
    // corresponding to the key
    // Creating object 
    object GFG
        // Main method
        def main(args: Array[String])
            // Creating Maps
            val m = Map("Nidhi" -> 23, "Rahul" -> 18)
            val n = Map("Geeta" -> 22, "Rahul" -> 18)
            // using 'get' as a method
            val x = m.get("Rahul")
            val y = n.get("Nidhi")
            // Displays key corresponding 
            // to the given values 




    Here, “Rahul” returns the its corresponding value but “Nidhi” returns None, as this key is not related to the Map given.

  • def iterator: Iterator[(A, B)]
    This method is utilized to return an iterator.

    // Scala program to return
    // an iterator
    // Creating object 
    object GFG
        // Main method
        def main(args: Array[String])
            // Creating Maps
            val m = Map("Nidhi" -> 23, "Rahul" -> 18)
            val n = Map("sonu" -> 16, "Nisha" -> 21)
            // using 'iterator' as a method
            val x = m.iterator
            val y = n.iterator
            // Displays if the iterator
            // is empty or not



    non-empty iterator
    non-empty iterator

    Here, both the Maps are non-empty so, non-empty iterator is returned.

  • def addString(b: StringBuilder): StringBuilder
    This method is utilized to add each of the elements of the Map to the StringBuilder.

    // Scala program to add the elements
    // of Map to the StringBuilder
    // Creating object 
    object GFG
        // Main method
        def main(args: Array[String])
            // Creating Maps
            val m = Map("Nidhi" -> 23, "Nisha" -> 21)
            val n = Map("sonu" -> 16, "Rahul" -> 18)
            // using 'addString' as a method
            val x = m.addString(new StringBuilder())
            val y = n.addString(new StringBuilder())
            // Displays elements in the
            // StringBuilder



    Nidhi -> 23Nisha -> 21
    sonu -> 16Rahul -> 18

    Thus, the elements are returned in the StringBuilder.

  • def addString(b: StringBuilder, sep: String): StringBuilder
    This method adds elements of the Map to the StringBuilder and also adds a separator between the elements.

    // Scala program to add the elements
    // of Map to the StringBuilder and 
    // also add a separator
    // Creating object 
    object GFG
        // Main method
        def main(args: Array[String])
            // Creating Maps
            val m = Map("Nidhi" -> 23, "Nisha" -> 21)
            val n = Map("sonu" -> 16, "Rahul" -> 18)
            // using 'addString' as a method
            // and adding a separator to it
            val x = m.addString(new StringBuilder(), "_")
            val y = n.addString(new StringBuilder(), "_")
            // Displays elements in the
            // StringBuilder with the 
            // separator



    Nidhi -> 23_Nisha -> 21
    sonu -> 16_Rahul -> 18

    Thus, the elements are returned in the StringBuilder with a separator.

  • def apply(key: A): B
    It is helpful in searching a key in the Map.

    // Scala program to search 
    // a key value
    // Creating object 
    object GFG
        // Main method
        def main(args: Array[String])
            // Creating Maps
            val m = Map("Nidhi" -> 23, "Nisha" -> 21)
            val n = Map("sonu" -> 16, "Rahul" -> 18)
            // using 'apply' method
            val x = m.apply("Nisha")
            val y = n.apply("sonu")
            // Displays values of 
            // the key 




    Here, if the searched key does not exists then the key value is not found.

  • def clear(): Unit
    This is utilized to clear the Map.
    Note:value clear is a member of scala.collection.mutable.Map[String, Int].

    // Scala program to clear
    // the Map
    // Creating object 
    object GFG
        // Main method
        def main(args: Array[String])
            // Creating mutable map
            val n = scala.collection.mutable.Map("Nidhi" -> 23
                                                "Nisha" -> 21)
            // using 'clear' method
            val x = n.clear()
            //Displays empty Map 




    Here, keys of a mutable Map are removed.

  • def clone(): Map[A, B]
    This method is utilized to make a copy of the receivers object.
    Note:value clone is a member of scala.collection.mutable.Map[String, Int].

    // Scala program to make
    // a copy of the receivers 
    // object
    // Creating object 
    object GFG
        // Main method
        def main(args: Array[String])
            // Creating mutable map
            val n = scala.collection.mutable.Map("Nidhi" -> 23,
                                            "Nisha" -> 21)
            // using 'clone' method
            val x = n.clone()
            // Displays copied keys



    Map(Nidhi -> 23, Nisha -> 21)

    Here, copy of the receivers object is returned.

  • def contains(key: A): Boolean
    This method is utilized to check if the key is present in the Map or not. If the key is present it returns true else returns false.

    // Scala program to check if 
    // the key is present or not
    // Creating object 
    object GFG
        // Main method
        def main(args: Array[String])
            // Creating Maps
            val m = Map("Nidhi" -> 23, "Rahul" -> 18)
            val n = Map("sonu" -> 16, "Nisha" -> 21)
            // using 'contains' method
            val x = m.contains("Nidhi")
            val y = n.contains("Rahul")
            // Displays true if the key 
            // is present else false




    Here, “Nidhi” is present in the Map so, true is returned but “Rahul” is not present in the given map so, it returns false.

  • def copyToArray(xs: Array[(A, B)]): Unit
    This method is helpful in copying pair of keys of the Map to an Array.

    // Scala program to copy keys 
    // to an Array
    // Creating object
    object GFG
        // Main method
        def main(args: Array[String])
            // Creating Map
            val m = Map("Nidhi" -> 23, "Rahul" -> 18)
            // Creating Array
            val x: Array[Any] = Array(0, 0, 0, 0, 0)
            // using 'copyToArray' method
            // Displays keys copied in
            // the Array
            for(m1 <-x)




    Here, two keys of the Map are copied to the Array.

  • def count(p: ((A, B)) => Boolean): Int
    This method is utilized to count pair of keys in the Map.

    // Scala program to count
    // pair of keys in the Map
    // Creating object 
    object GFG
        // Main method
        def main(args: Array[String])
            // Creating Map
            val m = Map("Nidhi" -> 23, "Rahul" -> 18)
            // using 'count' method
            val y = m.count(z=>true)
            // Displays number of keys
            // in the Map




    Here, two keys are present in the Map so, two is returned.

  • def drop(n: Int): Map[A, B]
    This method is utilized to delete the first ‘n’ elements.

    // Scala program to delete
    // first n elements
    // Creating object 
    object GFG
        // Main method
        def main(args: Array[String])
            // Creating Map
            val m = Map("Nidhi" -> 23, "Rahul" -> 18,
                        "Nisha" -> 21, "Rohit" -> 16)
            // using 'drop' method
            val y = m.drop(2)
            // Displays all the elements of 
            // the map except the first two
            // elements



    Map(Nisha -> 21, Rohit -> 16)

    Here, drop(n) is the desired operation, where first ‘n’ elements are deleted and rest of the elements are returned.

  • def dropRight(n: Int): Map[A, B]
    This method is utilized to delete the last ‘n’ elements.

    // Scala program to delete 
    // last n elements
    // Creating object 
    object GFG
        // Main method
        def main(args: Array[String])
            // Creating Map
            val m = Map("Nidhi" -> 23, "Rahul" -> 18
                        "Nisha" -> 21, "Rohit" -> 16)
            // using 'dropRight' method
            val y = m.dropRight(2)
            // Displays all the keys of 
            // map except the last two
            // elements



     Map("Nidhi" -> 23, "Rahul" -> 18)

    Here, dropRight(n) is the desired operation, where last ‘n’ elements are deleted and rest of the elements are returned.

  • def dropWhile(p: ((A, B)) => Boolean): Map[A, B]
    This operation deletes the elements until the stated condition is satisfied.

    // Scala program to delete the
    // elements until the stated
    // condition is satisfied
    // Creating object 
    object GFG
        // Main method
        def main(args: Array[String])
            // Creating Map
            val m = Map("Nidhi" -> 23, "Rahul" -> 18,
                        "Nisha" -> 21, "Rohit" -> 16)
            // using 'dropWhile' method
            val y = m.dropWhile(z=>true)
            // Displays empty map




    Here, dropWhile is the desired operation and according to the given condition, an empty Map is returned.

  • def empty: Map[A, B]
    This method is utilized to return an empty Map.

    // Scala program to form
    // an empty Map
    // Creating object 
    object GFG
        // Main method
        def main(args: Array[String])
            // Creating Map
            val m = Map("Nidhi" -> 23, "Rahul" -> 18,
                        "Nisha" -> 21, "Rohit" -> 16)
            // using 'empty' method
            val y = m.empty
            // Displays empty map



  • def equals(that: Any): Boolean
    This method is utilized to check if the two maps have the same key-values pair.

    // Scala program to check if the
    // two maps have the same 
    // number of elements
    // Creating object 
    object GFG
        // Main method
        def main(args: Array[String])
            // Creating Maps
            val m = Map("Nidhi" -> 23, "Rahul" -> 18)
            val n = Map("Nisha" -> 21, "Rohit" -> 16)
            // using 'equals' method
            val y = m.equals(n)
            // Displays true if the maps are
            // equal else returns false




    Here, equals method returns true if the key-value pairs of both the Maps are same else returns false.

  • def init: Map[A, B]
    This method is utilized to return all the elements of the Map except the last one.

    // Scala program to return
    // all the elements of the
    // map except the last one
    // Creating object 
    object GFG
        // Main method
        def main(args: Array[String])
            // Creating Map
            val m = Map("Nidhi" -> 23, "Rahul" -> 18,
                        "Nisha" -> 21, "Rohit" -> 16)
            // using 'init' method
            val y = m.init
            // Displays all the elements
            // except the last one



     Map(Nidhi -> 23, Rahul -> 18, Nisha -> 21)

    Here, out of four elements of the Map, the first three elements of the Map are returned.

  • def last: (A, B)
    This method returns the last element of the Map.

    // Scala program to find the 
    // last element
    // Creating object 
    object GFG
        // Main method
        def main(args: Array[String])
            // Creating Map
            val m = Map("Nidhi" -> 23, "Rahul" -> 18,
                        "Nisha" -> 21, "Rohit" -> 16)
            // using 'last' method
            val y = m.last
            // Displays the last element



    (Rohit, 16)
  • def remove(key: A): Option[B]
    This method drops the key and return its value only.

    // Scala program to return the
    // value of the given key
    // Creating object 
    object GFG
        // Main method
        def main(args: Array[String])
            // Creating mutable map
            val m = scala.collection.mutable.Map("Nidhi" -> 23,
                    "Rahul" -> 18, "Nisha" -> 21, "Rohit" -> 16)
            // using 'remove' method
            val y = m.remove("Rahul")
            // Displays the value associated
            // with the key in the argument




    Note:The value remove is member of the mutable Map.
    These were the major methods of Scala, there are many more such methods.

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