Scala Programming Language
Last Updated :
11 Dec, 2023
Scala is a general-purpose, high-level, multi-paradigm programming language. It is a pure object-oriented programming language which also provides support to the functional programming approach. Scala programs can convert to bytecodes and can run on the JVM (Java Virtual Machine). Scala stands for Scalable language. It also provides Javascript runtimes. Scala is highly influenced by Java and some other programming languages like Lisp, Haskell, Pizza etc.
Recent Articles on Scala !
Overview, Basics, Control Statements, OOP Concepts, Parameterized – Type, Exceptions, Scala Annotation, Methods, String, Scala Packages, Scala Trait, Collections, Scala Options, Miscellaneous Topics
- Introduction to Scala
- Interesting fact about Scala
- Setting up the environment in Scala
- How to install Scala in Linux?
- How to install Scala in Windows?
- What makes Scala scalable?
- Hello World in Scala
- Scala | Uniform Access Principle
- Scala vs Java
- Python vs Scala
- Difference between Kotlin and Scala
- Scala | REPL
- Class and Object in Scala
- Inner class in Scala
- Inheritance in Scala
- Operators in Scala
- Operators Precedence in Scala
- Abstract Classes in Scala
- Singleton and Companion Objects
- Generic Classes in Scala
- Access Modifiers in Scala
- Scala Constructors
- Scala | Primary Constructor
- Scala | Auxiliary Constructor
- Calling A Super Class Constructor in Scala
- Extending a Class in Scala
- Scala | Case Class and Case Object
- Scala | Polymorphism
- Value classes
- Scala | Field Overriding
- Scala | Abstract Type members
- Type Casting in Scala
- Object Casting in Scala
- Object Equality in Scala
- Scala | Multithreading
- Scala | Final
- Scala this keyword
- Scala | Controlling visibility of constructor fields
- Scala | Functions – Basics
- Currying Functions in Scala with Examples
- Anonymous Functions in Scala
- Higher Order Functions in Scala
- Scala | Named Arguments
- Scala | Functions Call-by-Name
- Scala | Closures
- Scala | Nested Functions
- Parameterless Method in Scala
- Recursion in Scala
- Tail Recursion in Scala
- Scala | Partially Applied functions
- Method Overloading in Scala
- Method Overriding in Scala
- Scala | Method Invocation
- Scala | Format and Formatted Method
- Controlling Method Scope In Scala
- Scala | Repeated Method Parameters
- Partial Functions in Scala
- Lambda Expression in Scala
- Scala Varargs
- Scala | Function Composition
- Call a method on a Super Class in Scala
- Implicit Conversions in Scala
- Scala Lists
- Scala ListBuffer
- ListSet in Scala
- Scala | Arrays
- Multidimensional Arrays in Scala
- Scala | Create Array with Range
- Scala | ArrayBuffer
- Scala | Tuple
- Set in Scala | Set-1
- Set in Scala | Set-2
- BitSet in Scala
- HashSet In Scala
- Stack in Scala
- HashMap in Scala
- ListMap in Scala
- TreeSet in Scala
- Scala | Reduce, fold or scan
- Iterators in Scala
- Map
- Getters and Setters in Scala
- Scala Extractors
- Scala For Comprehensions
- Scala | Sequence Comprehensions
- The Factory Pattern in Scala
- Scala | Lazy Evaluation
- Monads in Scala
- Lazy val and Infinite Sequences in Scala
- Scala Stream
- Recursive Streams and collection in Scala
- Placeholder Syntax in Scala
- Scala | Sieve of Eratosthenes
- Using Extractors with Pattern Matching In Scala
- Overriding Accessors and Mutators in Scala