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Scala Singleton and Companion Objects

Last Updated : 15 Apr, 2021
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Singleton Object

Scala is more object oriented language than Java so, Scala does not contain any concept of static keyword. Instead of static keyword Scala has singleton object. A Singleton object is an object which defines a single object of a class. A singleton object provides an entry point to your program execution. If you do not create a singleton object in your program, then your code compile successfully but does not give output. So you required a singleton object to get the output of your program. A singleton object is created by using object keyword. 

object Name{
// code...

Important points about singleton object 

  • The method in the singleton object is globally accessible.
  • You are not allowed to create an instance of singleton object.
  • You are not allowed to pass parameter in the primary constructor of singleton object.
  • In Scala, a singleton object can extend class and traits.
  • In Scala, a main method is always present in singleton object.
  • The method in the singleton object is accessed with the name of the object(just like calling static method in Java), so there is no need to create an object to access this method. 

Example 1: 


// A simple Scala program to illustrate
// the concept of singleton object
class AreaOfRectangle
    // Variables
    var length = 20;
    var height = 40;
    // Method which gives the area of the rectangle
    def area()
        var ar = length * height;
        println("Height of the rectangle is:" + height);
        println("Length of the rectangle is:" + length);
        println("Area of the rectangle is :" + ar);
// singleton object
object Main
    def main(args: Array[String])
        // Creating object of AreaOfRectangle class
        var obj = new AreaOfRectangle();


Height of the rectangle is:40
Length of the rectangle is:20
Area of the rectangle is :800

Example 2: 


// A Scala program to illustrate
// how to call method inside singleton object
// Singleton object with named
// as Exampleofsingleton
object Exampleofsingleton
    // Variables of singleton object
    var str1 = "Welcome ! GeeksforGeeks";
    var str2 = "This is Scala language tutorial";
    // Method of singleton object
    def display()
// Singleton object with named as Main
object Main
    def main(args: Array[String])
        // Calling method of singleton object


Welcome ! GeeksforGeeks
This is Scala language tutorial

Explanation: In the above example, we have two singleton objects, i.e, Exampleofsingleton and Main. Exampleofsingleton object contains a method named as display(), now we call this method in Main object. Using this statement Exampleofsingleton.display(); we call display() method that is present in Exampleofsingleton object and print output. 

Companion Object

Companion object is known as an object whose name is same as the name of the class. Or In other words, when an object and a class have the same name, then that object is known as the companion object and the class is known as companion class. A companion object is defined in the same source file in which the class is defined. A companion object is allowed to access both private methods and private fields of the class. 


// A Scala program to illustrate
// the concept of the Companion object
// Companion class
class ExampleofCompanion
    // Variables of Companion class
    var str1 = "GeeksforGeeks";
    var str2 = "Tutorial of Companion object";
    // Method of Companion class
    def show()
// Companion object
object ExampleofCompanion
    def main(args: Array[String])
        var obj = new ExampleofCompanion();;


Tutorial of Companion object


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