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Scala | String Interpolation

Last Updated : 26 Feb, 2019
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String Interpolation refers to substitution of defined variables or expressions in a given String with respected values. String Interpolation provides an easy way to process String literals. To apply this feature of Scala, we must follow few rules:

  1. String must be defined with starting character as s / f /raw.
  2. Variables in the String must have ‘$’ as prefix.
  3. Expressions must be enclosed within curly braces ({, }) and ‘$’ is added as prefix.


// x and y are defined
val str = s"Sum of $x and $y is ${x+y}"

Types of String Interpolator

  1. s Interpolator: Within the String, we can access variables, object fields, functions calls, etc.

    Example 1: variables and expressions:

    // Scala program
    // for s interpolator
    // Creating object
    object GFG
        // Main method
        def main(args:Array[String])
            val x = 20
            val y = 10
            // without s interpolator
            val str1 = "Sum of $x and $y is ${x+y}"
            // with s interpolator
            val str2 = s"Sum of $x and $y is ${x+y}"
            println("str1: "+str1)
            println("str2: "+str2)



    str1: Sum of $x and $y is ${x+y}
    str2: Sum of 20 and 10 is 30

    Example 2: function call

    // Scala program
    // for s interpolator
    // Creating object
    object GFG
        // adding two numbers
        def add(a:Int, b:Int):Int
        // Main method
        def main(args:Array[String])
            val x = 20
            val y = 10
            // without s interpolator
            val str1 = "Sum of $x and $y is ${add(x, y)}"
            // with s interpolator
            val str2 = s"Sum of $x and $y is ${add(x, y)}"
            println("str1: " + str1)
            println("str2: " + str2)



    str1: Sum of $x and $y is ${add(x, y)}
    str2: Sum of 20 and 10 is 30
  2. f Interpolator: This interpolation helps in formatting numbers easily.

    To understand how format specifiers work refer Format Specifiers.

    Example 1: printing upto 2 decimal place:

    // Scala program
    // for f interpolator
    // Creating object
    object GFG
        // Main method
        def main(args:Array[String])
            val x = 20.6
            // without f interpolator
            val str1 = "Value of x is $x%.2f"
            // with f interpolator
            val str2 = f"Value of x is $x%.2f"
            println("str1: " + str1)
            println("str2: " + str2)



    str1: Value of x is $x%.2f
    str2: Value of x is 20.60

    Example 2: setting width in integers:

    // Scala program
    // for f interpolator
    // Creating object
    object GFG
        // Main method
        def main(args:Array[String])
            val x = 11
            // without f interpolator
            val str1 = "Value of x is $x%04d"
            // with f interpolator
            val str2 = f"Value of x is $x%04d"



    Value of x is $x%04d
    Value of x is 0011

    If we try to pass a Double value while formatting is done using %d specifier, compiler outputs an error. In case of %f specifier, passing Int is acceptable.

  3. raw Interpolator: String Literal should start with ‘raw’. This interpolator treats escape sequences same as any other character in a String.
    Example :printing escape sequence:

    // Scala program
    // for raw interpolator
    // Creating object
    object GFG
        // Main method
        def main(args:Array[String])
            // without raw interpolator
            val str1 = "Hello\nWorld"
            // with raw interpolator
            val str2 = raw"Hello\nWorld"
            println("str1: " + str1)
            println("str2: " + str2)



    str1: Hello
    str2: Hello\nWorld

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