Scraping Reddit using Python
In this article, we are going to see how to scrape Reddit using Python, here we will be using python’s PRAW (Python Reddit API Wrapper) module to scrape the data. Praw is an acronym Python Reddit API wrapper, it allows Reddit API through Python scripts.
To install PRAW, run the following commands on the command prompt:
pip install praw
Creating a Reddit App
Step 1: To extract data from Reddit, we need to create a Reddit app. You can create a new Reddit app(

Reddit – Create an App
Step 2: Click on “are you a developer? create an app…”.
Step 3: A form like this will show up on your screen. Enter the name and description of your choice. In the redirect uri box, enter http://localhost:8080

App Form
Step 4: After entering the details, click on “create app”.

Developed Application
The Reddit app has been created. Now, we can use python and praw to scrape data from Reddit. Note down the client_id, secret, and user_agent values. These values will be used to connect to Reddit using python.
Creating a PRAW Instance
In order to connect to Reddit, we need to create a praw instance. There are 2 types of praw instances:
- Read-only Instance: Using read-only instances, we can only scrape publicly available information on Reddit. For example, retrieving the top 5 posts from a particular subreddit.
- Authorized Instance: Using an authorized instance, you can do everything you do with your Reddit account. Actions like upvote, post, comment, etc., can be performed.
# Read-only instance reddit_read_only = praw.Reddit(client_id = "", # your client id client_secret = "", # your client secret user_agent = "") # your user agent # Authorized instance reddit_authorized = praw.Reddit(client_id = "", # your client id client_secret = "", # your client secret user_agent = "", # your user agent username = "", # your reddit username password = "") # your reddit password |
Now that we have created an instance, we can use Reddit’s API to extract data. In this tutorial, we will be only using the read-only instance.
Scraping Reddit Subreddits
There are different ways of extracting data from a subreddit. The posts in a subreddit are sorted as hot, new, top, controversial, etc. You can use any sorting method of your choice.
Let’s extract some information from the redditdev subreddit.
import praw import pandas as pd reddit_read_only = praw.Reddit(client_id = "", # your client id client_secret = "", # your client secret user_agent = "") # your user agent subreddit = reddit_read_only.subreddit( "redditdev" ) # Display the name of the Subreddit print ( "Display Name:" , subreddit.display_name) # Display the title of the Subreddit print ( "Title:" , subreddit.title) # Display the description of the Subreddit print ( "Description:" , subreddit.description) |

Name, Title, and Description
Now let’s extract 5 hot posts from the Python subreddit:
subreddit = reddit_read_only.subreddit( "Python" ) for post in = 5 ): print (post.title) print () |

Top 5 hot posts
We will now save the top posts of the python subreddit in a pandas data frame:
posts = "month" ) # Scraping the top posts of the current month posts_dict = { "Title" : [], "Post Text" : [], "ID" : [], "Score" : [], "Total Comments" : [], "Post URL" : [] } for post in posts: # Title of each post posts_dict[ "Title" ].append(post.title) # Text inside a post posts_dict[ "Post Text" ].append(post.selftext) # Unique ID of each post posts_dict[ "ID" ].append(post. id ) # The score of a post posts_dict[ "Score" ].append(post.score) # Total number of comments inside the post posts_dict[ "Total Comments" ].append(post.num_comments) # URL of each post posts_dict[ "Post URL" ].append(post.url) # Saving the data in a pandas dataframe top_posts = pd.DataFrame(posts_dict) top_posts |
top posts of the python subreddit
Exporting Data to a CSV File:
import pandas as pd top_posts.to_csv( "Top Posts.csv" , index = True ) |

CSV File of Top Posts
Scraping Reddit Posts:
To extract data from Reddit posts, we need the URL of the post. Once we have the URL, we need to create a submission object.
import praw import pandas as pd reddit_read_only = praw.Reddit(client_id = "", # your client id client_secret = "", # your client secret user_agent = "") # your user agent # URL of the post url = "https: / / / r / IAmA / comments / m8n4vt / \ im_bill_gates_cochair_of_the_bill_and_melinda / " # Creating a submission object submission = reddit_read_only.submission(url = url) |
We will extract the best comments from the post we have selected. We will need the MoreComments object from the praw module. To extract the comments, we will use a for-loop on the submission object. All the comments will be added to the post_comments list. We will also add an if-statement in the for-loop to check whether any comment has the object type of more comments. If it does, it means that our post has more comments available. So we will add these comments to our list as well. Finally, we will convert the list into a pandas data frame.
from praw.models import MoreComments post_comments = [] for comment in submission.comments: if type (comment) = = MoreComments: continue post_comments.append(comment.body) # creating a dataframe comments_df = pd.DataFrame(post_comments, columns = [ 'comment' ]) comments_df |
list into a pandas dataframe