Send message to Telegram user using Python
Last Updated :
12 Dec, 2022
Have you ever wondered how people do automation on Telegram? You may know that Telegram has a big user base and so it is one of the preferred social media to read people. What good thing about Telegram is that it provides a bunch of API’s methods, unlike Whatsapp which restricts such things. So in this post, we will be sharing how to send messages to a Telegram user using Python.
Getting Started
First, create a bot using Telegram BotFather. To create a BotFather follow the below steps as follows:
- Open the telegram app and search for @BotFather.
- Click on the start button or send “/start”.
- Then send “/newbot” message to set up a name and a username.
- After setting name and username BotFather will give you an API token which is your bot token.\
Then create an app on the telegram. Follow the below steps:
- Log into the telegram core:
- Go to ‘API development tools’ and fill out the form.
- You will get the api_id and api_hash parameters required for user authorization.
Modules needed
You need several Python library imports for the script functioning.
- telebot: To install this module type the below command in the terminal.
pip install telebot
- telethon: To install this module type the below command in the terminal.
pip install telethon
Below is the implementation.
# importing all required libraries import telebot from telethon.sync import TelegramClient from import InputPeerUser, InputPeerChannel from telethon import TelegramClient, sync, events # get your api_id, api_hash, token # from telegram as described above api_id = 'API_id' api_hash = 'API_hash' token = 'bot token' message = "Working..." # your phone number phone = 'YOUR_PHONE_NUMBER_WTH_COUNTRY_CODE' # creating a telegram session and assigning # it to a variable client client = TelegramClient( 'session' , api_id, api_hash) # connecting and building the session client.connect() # in case of script ran first time it will # ask either to input token or otp sent to # number or sent or your telegram id if not client.is_user_authorized(): client.send_code_request(phone) # signing in the client client.sign_in(phone, input ( 'Enter the code: ' )) try : # receiver user_id and access_hash, use # my user_id and access_hash for reference receiver = InputPeerUser( 'user_id' , 'user_hash' ) # sending message using telegram client client.send_message(receiver, message, parse_mode = 'html' ) except Exception as e: # there may be many error coming in while like peer # error, wrong access_hash, flood_error, etc print (e); # disconnecting the telegram session client.disconnect() |
Code Explanation:
- The code starts by importing all the required libraries.
- The first library is telebot which is used to interact with Telegram.
- Next, we import the sync module which helps us to keep our code organized and easy to read.
- We also import the events module so that we can handle various telegram related events.
- Next, we get our API_id, API_hash, and token from Telegram as described earlier in this tutorial.
- Then, we create a variable called message for holding our message.
- We then connect to Telegram and assign the session to a variable called client .
- Next, we sign in the client using its phone number and user ID ( input(‘Enter the code: ‘)) .
- Finally, we try sending a message using the telegram client but there may be many errors coming in while trying so let’s print them out for further analysis.
- Once everything is okay, we disconnect the session by calling client.disconnect() .
- The code will first import all the required libraries and set up a TelegramClient instance.
- Next, it will get your API_id, API_hash and token from Telegram.
- Finally, it will create a message variable and assign it to the client object.