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Send message to Telegram user using Python

Last Updated : 12 Dec, 2022
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Have you ever wondered how people do automation on Telegram? You may know that Telegram has a big user base and so it is one of the preferred social media to read people. What good thing about Telegram is that it provides a bunch of API’s methods, unlike Whatsapp which restricts such things. So in this post, we will be sharing how to send messages to a Telegram user using Python.

Getting Started

First, create a bot using Telegram BotFather. To create a BotFather follow the below steps as follows:  

  • Open the telegram app and search for @BotFather.
  • Click on the start button or send “/start”.
  • Then send “/newbot” message to set up a name and a username.
  • After setting name and username BotFather will give you an API token which is your bot token.\

Then create an app on the telegram. Follow the below steps: 

  • Log into the telegram core:
  • Go to ‘API development tools’ and fill out the form.
  • You will get the api_id and api_hash parameters required for user authorization. 

Modules needed

You need several Python library imports for the script functioning.  

  • telebot: To install this module type the below command in the terminal.
pip install telebot
  • telethon: To install this module type the below command in the terminal. 
pip install telethon

Below is the implementation. 


# importing all required libraries
import telebot
from telethon.sync import TelegramClient
from import InputPeerUser, InputPeerChannel
from telethon import TelegramClient, sync, events
# get your api_id, api_hash, token
# from telegram as described above
api_id = 'API_id'
api_hash = 'API_hash'
token = 'bot token'
message = "Working..."
# your phone number
# creating a telegram session and assigning
# it to a variable client
client = TelegramClient('session', api_id, api_hash)
# connecting and building the session
# in case of script ran first time it will
# ask either to input token or otp sent to
# number or sent or your telegram id
if not client.is_user_authorized():
    # signing in the client
    client.sign_in(phone, input('Enter the code: '))
    # receiver user_id and access_hash, use
    # my user_id and access_hash for reference
    receiver = InputPeerUser('user_id', 'user_hash')
    # sending message using telegram client
    client.send_message(receiver, message, parse_mode='html')
except Exception as e:
    # there may be many error coming in while like peer
    # error, wrong access_hash, flood_error, etc
# disconnecting the telegram session

Code Explanation: 

  1. The code starts by importing all the required libraries.
  2. The first library is telebot which is used to interact with Telegram.
  3. Next, we import the sync module which helps us to keep our code organized and easy to read.
  4. We also import the events module so that we can handle various telegram related events.
  5. Next, we get our API_id, API_hash, and token from Telegram as described earlier in this tutorial.
  6. Then, we create a variable called message for holding our message.
  7. We then connect to Telegram and assign the session to a variable called client .
  8. Next, we sign in the client using its phone number and user ID ( input(‘Enter the code: ‘)) .
  9. Finally, we try sending a message using the telegram client but there may be many errors coming in while trying so let’s print them out for further analysis.
  10. Once everything is okay, we disconnect the session by calling client.disconnect() .
  11. The code will first import all the required libraries and set up a TelegramClient instance.
  12. Next, it will get your API_id, API_hash and token from Telegram.
  13. Finally, it will create a message variable and assign it to the client object. 

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