Sorting Hash in Perl
Prerequisite: Perl | Hashes Set of key/value pair is called a Hash. Each key in a hash structure are unique and of type strings. The values associated with these keys are scalar. These values can either be a number, string or a reference. A Hash is declared using my keyword. Let us consider an example to understand the concept of sorting the hash.
Example: Consider a hash with the names of the students in a class and with their average score. Here, the name of the students are the keys and their average scores are the values. Print this hash using foreach loop on the student names returned by the keys function.
# Perl program to demonstrate # the concept of hash use strict; use warnings; use 5.010; # Creating a hash of studentnames # and their average score my %studentnames = ( Martha => 14, Vivek => 27, Earl => 31, Marty => 16.5, Jason => 25.2, Socrates => 29.5, Uri => 19.6, Nitin => 30, Plato => 39, ); # displaying the keys and values of Hash # using the foreach loop and keys function # output may be different each # time when you run the code foreach my $name ( keys %studentnames ) { # printing the keys and values of hash printf "%-8s %s \n", $name , $studentnames { $name }; } |
Marty 16.5 Jason 25.2 Plato 39 Vivek 27 Socrates 29.5 Martha 14 Earl 31 Uri 19.6 Nitin 30
Time Complexity: O(n)
Auxiliary Space: O(n)
Note: The output may contain any random order depends on the system and the version of Perl. Hashes can be sorted in many ways as follows:
- Sorting the Hash according to the ASCII values of its keys: Generally, sorting is based on ASCII table. It means sorting will keep all the upper-case letters in front of all the lower-case letters. This is the default behavior of the sorting. The above example code is sorted according to the ASCII values of its keys.
- Sorting the Hash according to the alphabetical order of its keys: Here, the keys are sorted alphabetically.
# Perl program to demonstrate # sorting of the hash according # alphabetical order of its keys use strict; use warnings; use 5.010; # Creating a hash of studentnames # and their average score my %studentnames = ( Martha => 14, Vivek => 27, Earl => 31, Marty => 16.5, Jason => 25.2, Socrates => 29.5, Uri => 19.6, Nitin => 30, Plato => 39, ); # sorting the hash according # alphabetical order of its keys foreach my $name ( sort { lc $a cmp lc $b } keys %studentnames ) { printf "%-8s %s \n", $name , $studentnames { $name }; } |
Earl 31 Jason 25.2 Martha 14 Marty 16.5 Nitin 30 Plato 39 Socrates 29.5 Uri 19.6 Vivek 27
Time Complexity: O(n logn)
Auxiliary Space: O(n)
Sorting according to the values of Hash: You can also sort the hash according to the values of hash as follows:
Example 1: Sorting the hash values according to the ASCII table.
# Perl program to demonstrate # sorting of the hash according # to the values of Hash use strict; use warnings; use 5.010; # Creating a hash of studentnames # and their average score my %studentnames = ( Martha => 14, Vivek => 27, Earl => 31, Marty => 16.5, Jason => 25.2, Socrates => 29.5, Uri => 19.6, Nitin => 30, Plato => 39, ); # sorting of the hash according # to ASCII code of values of Hash foreach my $name ( sort values %studentnames ) { say $name ; } |
- Output:
14 16.5 19.6 25.2 27 29.5 30 31 39
Time Complexity: O(n logn)
Auxiliary Space: O(n)
Example 2: Sorting according to the numerical value of Values of hash as follows:
# Perl program to demonstrate # sorting of the hash according # to the values of Hash use strict; use warnings; use 5.010; # Creating a hash of studentnames # and their average score my %studentnames = ( Martha => 14, Vivek => 27, Earl => 31, Marty => 16.5, Jason => 25.2, Socrates => 29.5, Uri => 19.6, Nitin => 30, Plato => 39, ); # sorting of the hash according # to the numerical value of # Values of hash foreach my $name ( sort { $a <=> $b } values %studentnames ) { say $name ; } |
- Output:
14 16.5 19.6 25.2 27 29.5 30 31 39
Time Complexity: O(n logn)
Auxiliary Space: O(n)
Sort the keys of the hash according to the values: You can also sort the keys of hash according to the given values. Example 1: In the below program, <=> is termed as the spaceship operator. If you will run the code again and again then you can notice the difference in the output. Sometimes you find Plato before the Nitin and vice-versa.
# Perl program to demonstrate the # Sorting of keys of the hash # according to the values use strict; use warnings; use 5.010; # Creating a hash of studentnames # and their average score my %studentnames = ( Martha => 14, Vivek => 27, Earl => 31, Marty => 16.5, Jason => 25.2, Socrates => 29.5, Uri => 19.6, Nitin => 45, Plato => 45, ); # Sort the keys of the hash # according to the values # Here $a and $b are the # placeholder variable of sort foreach my $name ( sort { $studentnames { $a } <=> $studentnames { $b }} keys %studentnames ) { printf "%-8s %s \n", $name , $studentnames { $name }; } |
- Output:
Martha 14 Marty 16.5 Uri 19.6 Jason 25.2 Vivek 27 Socrates 29.5 Earl 31 Plato 45 Nitin 45
Time Complexity: O(n logn)
Auxiliary Space: O(n)
Example 2: To solve the above code, keys having the same values can be sorted according to the ASCII table as follows:
# Perl program to demonstrate the # Sorting of keys of the hash # according to the values use strict; use warnings; use 5.010; # Creating a hash of studentnames # and their average score my %studentnames = ( Martha => 14, Vivek => 27, Earl => 31, Marty => 16.5, Jason => 25.2, Socrates => 29.5, Uri => 19.6, Nitin => 45, Plato => 45, ); # keys that have the same value # will be sorted according the # ASCII table foreach my $name ( sort { $studentnames { $a } <=> $studentnames { $b } or $a cmp $b } keys %studentnames ) { printf "%-8s %s \n", $name , $studentnames { $name }; } |
Martha 14 Marty 16.5 Uri 19.6 Jason 25.2 Vivek 27 Socrates 29.5 Earl 31 Nitin 45 Plato 45
Explanation: Here you can see the key Nitin and Plato are sorted according to the ASCII table. It doesn’t matter how many times you run the code, the output will remain the same.
Time Complexity: O(n logn)
Auxiliary Space: O(n)