SQL Query to Convert Datetime to String
In order to convert a DateTime to a string, we can use CONVERT() and CAST() function. These functions are used to converts a value(of any datatype) into a specified datatype.
CONVERT() Function
CONVERT(VARCHAR, datetime [,style])
- VARCHAR – It represent the string type.
- datetime – It can be the expression that evaluates date or datetime value that you want to convert into string.
- style – It specifies the format of the date. It’s value is predefined by the SQL Server. The style parameter is optional.
CAST() Function
- EXPRESSION – It represent the value that need to be converted.
- DATATYPE – It is the type of the data to which we want to convert our expression.
- length – It represent the length of the resulting datatype(optional).
Without Century (YY) |
With Century(YYYY) |
Standard |
Format |
– |
0 or 100 |
Default for datetime and smalldatetime |
mon dd yyyy hh:miAM (or PM) |
1 |
101 |
U.S. |
1 = mm/dd/yy 101 = mm/dd/yyyy |
2 |
102 |
2 = yy.mm.dd 102 = yyyy.mm.dd |
3 |
103 |
British/French |
3 = dd/mm/yy 103 = dd/mm/yyyy |
4 |
104 |
German |
4 = dd.mm.yy 104 = dd.mm.yyyy |
5 |
105 |
Italian |
5 = dd-mm-yy 105 = dd-mm-yyyy |
6 |
106 |
– |
6 = dd mon yy 106 = dd mon yyyy |
7 |
107 |
– |
7 = Mon dd, yy 107 = Mon dd, yyyy |
8 |
108 |
– |
hh:mm:ss |
In the below example, we will convert the DateTime into a string in different formats.
Step 1: Create a database
CREATE DATABASE Product_order;
Figure: Create DATABASE
Step 2: Create a table
Now, we need to create a table inside our database. For this, we will use CREATE statement.
CREATE TABLE orders (prod_id INT, prod_name VARCHAR(255), order_date DATE, PRIMARY KEY(prod_id));
Figure: Create a table orders
Step 3: Insert data into a table
In this step, we will insert data inside our orders table. For inserting data we will use an INSERT statement.
INSERT INTO orders VALUES (101, 'iPhone', '2020-07-20'), (102, 'iPad', '2018-01-01'), (103, 'iWatch', '2019-03-15'), (104, 'iMac', '2016-05-13');
Figure: Insert data into the order table
Step 4: In order to verify the contents of the table, we will be using the SELECT statement.
SELECT * FROM orders;
Figure: Select statement query
Figure: Order table
Step 5: Using CONVERT() function
Query :
/*Declaring DATETIME as dt*/ DECLARE @dt DATETIME = (SELECT order_date FROM orders WHERE prod_id = 101); /*SELECT statement is used to print the s1 message*/ SELECT CONVERT(VARCHAR(20),@dt,0) s1;
Figure: CONVERT() function query
Figure: Output
Query :
In this, we are changing the style parameter to 1. Similarly, you can use different style parameter values from the above table.
/*Declaring DATETIME as dt*/ DECLARE @dt DATETIME = (SELECT order_date FROM orders WHERE prod_id = 103); /*SELECT statement is used to print the s1 message*/ SELECT CONVERT(VARCHAR(20),@dt,1) s1;
Figure: CONVERT() function query
Output :
Figure: Output
Step 6: Using CAST() function
/*Declaring DATETIME as dt*/ DECLARE @dt DATETIME = (SELECT order_date FROM orders WHERE prod_id = 102); /*SELECT statement is used to print the s1 message*/ SELECT CAST(@dt AS DATETIME) s1;
Figure: CAST() function query
Figure: Output